The 107th

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As they were all taking something happened and a bomb went off upstairs. A man shot Erinsky twice and ran off up the stairs. Peggy pulled out a gun and fired at him hitting him once but he got away while Steve was checking on Erinsky and Peggy ran after him.

Erinsky was laying on the floor and Steve was looking at him from above when he taped on Steve's chest pointing to his heart and then he died. Outside the man had jumped in a taxi and was heading for Peggy who was standing in the middle of the road firing her gun at him. He was about to run her over with the van but at the last second something knocked her out of the way. And she saw Steve.

"I had him!"Peggy yelled at Steve.

"Sorry!" Steve yelled back and ran off down the road. Trying to catch the car. And he was actually catching up to him. As the taxi swerved through traffic Steve jumped on to the back of a truck and then off of it landing on top of the taxi. So the man held his gun up to the roof and tried to shoot Steve but he missed. And then accidentally wrecked into another car. So he got out and started firing his gun at Steve. When the man came across a small family and picked up their little boy.

"No! No not my Son! Please!" The mother yelled. "Don't hurt him!" And the man ran off with the little boy and Steve couldn't help because he had no defense in any way. But he went after him anyway. But when the man saw him he put the guy to the little boys head.

"Wait don't! Don't!" Steve said so the man pulled the gun from the boys head and fired at Steve but all that happened was the tiny sound of a click. The gun had run out of ammo. So the man picked up the little boy and threw him in the water they were next to. Steve ran to the edge to make sure he was ok and the man ran off.

"Go get him! I can swim!" The boy yelled to Steve. So he ran off after the man.

— Time Skip

Steve had caught up to the man and hit him to the ground but he had taken a pill and the man was speaking.

"You cut off one head two more shall take its place. Hail Hydra" He said and died.

Time Skip

It had been a few days since Bucky and I had left with the other soldiers we had been taking down hydra bases day by day and were about to arrive at the next one. But things took an unexpected turn. We had just arrived to the next base and realized all to late that Schmidt sent out a force to azzano.

— Steve And Peggy POV

Steve and Peggy were sitting and talking when an ambulance truck pulled up.

"They look like they've been through hell." Steve said.

"Them more then most." Peggy told him. "Schmidt sent out a force to azzano. 200 men and we went up against him And less then 50 returned your audience contained what was left of the 107th. The rest were either killed or captured." But Steve's head poked up at the sound of 107th because that was Abigail and Buckys group.

"The 107th?" Steve asked.

"What?" Peggy asked. And Steve got up and ran with Peggy not far behind.

"Colonial Phillips." Steve said walking up to him.

"Well if it isn't the star spangled man with a plan." Phillips said. "What's your plan today?"

"I need the casualty list from Azzano." Steve replied.

"You don't get to give me orders, son." Phillips said.

"I just need two names Sargent James Barnes and Agent Rogers from the 107th."

"you and I are gonna have a conversation later that you won't enjoy" Phillips said.

"please tell me there alive sir." Steve said.

"I am Simonides condolence letters today then I would care to count. But those names sound familiar. I'm sorry."

"What about the others are you planning a rescue mission?" Steve asked.

"Yes it's called winning the war"

"But if you know where they are, why not at least-"

"They are 30 miles behind the lines through some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We would lose more men then we would save. But I don't expect you to understand that because your a chorus girl."

"I think I understand just fine." Steve replied.

"Well then understand it somewhere else. If I read the posters correctly you have got someplace to be in 30 minutes." Phillips said and walked away. Steve looked at the map of where they were and replied with.

"Yes sir, I do."

"If you have something to say right now would be a perfect time to keep it to yourself." Steve walked to his tent and started packing.

"What do you plan to do walk to Austria?" Peggy asked as she walked in.

"If that's what it takes." He replied.

"You heard the colonel our friends are most likely dead."

"You don't know that."

"Even so he is devising a strategy if he detects-"

"- by the time he has done that it could be to late." Steve interrupted grabbed his stuff and walked out.

"Steve!" Peggy said going after him.

"you td me you thought I was meant for more than this. Did you mean that?"

"Every word." She replied.

"Then you have got to let me go." Steve said starting the vehicle when Peggy came into view in front of him

"I can do more than that." She said.

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