He took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces

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A few days later we were all out taking down Hydra bases again. One by one. And each time we would leave the Red Skull furious. The entire thing was being documented and Steve had a little compass with a picture of Peggy in it that just so happens to make it on the film they were showing all of the agents.

— Time Skip

We had just made it to our next stop and we're about to have to go on a zip line to get to where we need to go that just so happens to be the top of a moving train and some of the men were setting up a radio.

"Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" Bucky asked Steve.

"Yeah and I threw up?" Steve replied.

"This isn't payback is it?" He asked.

"Now why would I do that?"

"we were right Dr. Zola's on the train. Hydra dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going g they must need him bad." Jones said.

"Let's get going because they're moving like the devil." One of them said as they saw the train through a pair of binoculars.

"Alright we've only got about a 10 second window. If you miss that window we're bugs on a windshield." I told them.

"Better get moving bugs." Another one of them said.

And Steve went down the zip line then Me and then Bucky with the rest following us not far behind. When we landed we started walking on the roof of the train when we found a latter on the side and Steve Bucky and I climbed down and went inside. We walked down the car of the train with our guns up and ready to fight not saying a word. When Steve walked in The next car and then all of the doors shut trapping me and Bucky in one when a man walked out but I shot him down quickly. But also in Steve's car a man walked out with a huge weapon and the sound of it powering up getting ready to blast was heard. When more men came out in mine and Bucky's car and we were both firing at them. And Steve took out the man in his car. And then came back to us but bucks gun had jammed and I was reloading mine. I got it reloaded when the door to the car opened and shot at the man hitting him but Steve had tossed Bucky a pistol and we both hit the man at the same time.

"We had him on the ropes." Bucky said.

"I know you did." Steve replied. When the sound of the huge weapon powering up was heard from the doorway.

We looked just in time to doge his aim. But he blew a hole in the wall. Bucky got up and grabbed Steve's shield holding it in front of him while firing at the man when the huge weapon powers up again and blasted the sheild causing Bucky to drop it and fall out of the hole in the wall.

"Bucky!!!" I screamed after him. Steve picked up the shield and threw it at the man knocking him out and we ran to the hole looking for Bucky. And we saw him hanging on the side of the train.

"Hang on!" Steve yelled and started climbing on the side of the train to get to him.

"Grab my hand!" He yelled reaching out but the bar that Bucky was holding on to broke.

"No!!" I screamed. And Bucky fell off of the side of the train.

— Time Skip

We finished the mission and we got doctor Zola but I haven't said a word to anyone not even Steve since Bucky fell. Half of me was gone. I had basically isolated myself for two days when Peggy finally forced her way into my apartment.

"I have a letter for you." She told me.

"Yeah I do t really care." I told her. "who's it from Howard I don't want his pity money if that was what he was gonna go for." I told her. I had also been a little more on edge lately.

"Abigail it's from Sargent Barnes." She said.

"What?" I asked. She walked over and sat down next to me on the couch and handed me the letter and sure enough on the outside was Bucky's handwriting.

"I guess I'll leave you be. I'll see you back at the office." She said and left.

As soon as she was out the door I opened the letter and found a piece of paper inside. Opened it up and imagined his voice as I read it.

If your reading this that means things ar probably not liking so good for me. But I had something I wanted to give you and of corse you don't have to wear it. I wouldn't expect you to. But I want you to have it nonetheless. There should be something else inside the envelope.
I love you. Always and forever.
                                                         — Bucky

A tear slid down my cheek as I read the letter and then grabbed the envelope looking inside it. I dumped what was inside into the palm of my hand and saw Bucky's Dog Tags. But something fell out of my hand and on to the floor. I clutched the necklace tight in my grip. And then looked to the floor to see what fell. And found a ring. At first I thought it was normal but as I picked it up and looked closer it had a diamond at the top.
It was an engagement ring. Tears streamed down my cheeks and i brought my knees up to my chest and just cried. I put the ring on Bucky's dog tags and hung them around my neck. And I was never going to take it off.

"Are you ok?" A voice asked from the doorway?
And I turned to see Steve.

"No." I replied. He walked over and sat down next to me and I handed him the letter letting him read it.

"What did he give you?" He asked when he finished reading and I held up the dog tags. And then showed him the ring. Which only made me cry harder.

"Oh my god Abbie." He said and hugged me tight.

"I'm still holding on to him even though he's dead and gone but I don't want to say goodbye because this one means forever. And now he is in the Stars and six feet has never felt so far and now here I am alone between the heavens and and the embers. It hurts so hard for a million different reasons he took the best of my heart. And left the rest in pieces." I told Steve .

And that night I fell asleep on the couch crying in Steve's arms. Wanting Bucky back so we could live our happy ever after. But now that would never happen. Because Bucky was gone. And he was gone for good.

Warriors Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora