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"We gotta go that guy is probably in Siberia by now." Bucky told us as we hid behind steps up to a plane.

"We've got to draw out the flyers I'll take vision you guys get to the jet." I told them.

"No you get to the jet! All three of you!" Sam said. "The rest of us aren't getting out of here."

"As much as I hate to admit it if we're gonna win this one. Some of us might have to lose it." Clint said.

"This isn't the real fight Steve." Sam told us.

"Alright Sam what's the play?" Steve asked him.

"We need a diversion, something big." He replied.

"I've got something kinda big. But I can't hold it for very long." Scott said. "On my signal run like hell and if I tear myself in half don't come back for me."

"He's gonna tear himself in half?" Bucky asked.

"You sure about this Scott?" I asked.

"I do it all the time. I mean once in a lab. And then I passed out."he said.

"I'm the boss I'm the boss I'm the boss" he murmured to himself as he got ready and jumped off of the edge of the ramp that he was running on and landed on Rohdeys suit who was flying through the air. And clicked a button on his glove making him huge in size. And he caught rohdey by the foot of his suit.

"Holy shit!" Peter yelled.

"Okay tiny dude is big now! He is big now!" Rohdey said a little panicked.

"I guess that's the signal." Steve said as we watched what was happening.

"Way to go tic-tak!" Sam yelled.

And Scott tried to throw rohdey.

"Give me back my Rohdey." Tony said as we flew up to him. And Scott threw him as hard as he could.

"I got him." Peter said. Running up and catching him with a web.

"Come on we gotta go." I told the boys and we took off running.

"Okay is anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they would like to disclose I'm open to suggestions." Tony said

"You wanna get to them you've gotta go through me." Scott said to Ta'Chala who had walked up trying to get passed him to us three And Scott kicked the boxes he was standing on. And he was about to grab him when rohdey and Peter came around the corner shooting at him. And Peter shot a web and swung on him kicked him in the face.

Clint and Ta'Chala were fighting below Scott Peter and Rohdey. When Ta'Chala caught two of Clint's arrows and threw them to the ground after they exploded. And he let his claws out of his gloves.

"We haven't met yet." Clint said Turning his bow into a staff. "I'm Clint."

"I don't care." Ta'Chala said. And they continued fighting.

When Rohdey saw that Me Steve and Bucky were running for the quinjet. He tried to go after us but Wanda stoped him by throwing him into a plane. When Vision saw us running and decided to go after them so Scott tried to stop him but Vision balled up and rammed into his knee and just went through him.

"Something just flew in me!!" Scott yelled kind of panicked.

When vision got out of the other side he used the mind stone to laser a building that was next to the hanger causing it to fall over. We slowed down a little bit as we ran not knowing what to do when I threw out my hands and caught it with my powers and Wanda did the same When it suddenly got harder to hold because Rohdey had used sound waves on Wanda and she had to let go. When we got close enough to make it I let it drop behind us and we ran threw as the rubble started falling and we made it under. But when we did we saw Nat.

"Your not gonna stop." Nat said.

"You know we can't." Steve replied.

"I'm going to regret this." She said through a sigh and shot one of her electrocuting patches. But it went passed us we turned around and saw that she had shot Ta'Chala.

"Go! now!" She told us. And we started running again getting into the Quinjet.

"Hey guys did you ever see that really old movie?
Empire Strikes back?" Peter asked.

"Jesus tony how old is this kid?" Rhodes asked.

"I don't know we didn't carbon-date him. He's on the young side." Tony said.

"You know that part where there on the snow planet...with the walking thingies?" Peter

"Maybe the kid is on to something." Tony said.

"High now tony go high." Rhodes said. As Peter swung webs around Scott's legs. And the two of them flew up and punched Scott in the face. And he started falling over backwards.

"Yes!" Peter yelled. "That was awesome!!" And then Scott's hand flew back and hit him causing him to go crashing to the ground.

Scott clicked the button on his glove and he shrunk back down to his normal size and opened his mask groaning in pain.

"Does anyone have any orange slices?" He asked. Tony flew over to Peter and retracted his masks when he hit the ground.

"Kid you alright?" Tony asked as he squatted down next to him. Peter turned over and half of his mask was curled up on his face and he tried to punch Tony but he caught his hand.

"Woah!" Tony said. Peter then tried to use his other had not realizing it was us so he caught that one to.

"Hey same side." Tony side.

"Guess who." He said. "Hi, it's me."

"Oh.. hey man. That was scary." Peter said.

"Yeah your done." Tony told him.

What?!? Peter question.

"Yeah you did a good job now satay down." Tony said.

"No it's good I've got to get him back." Peter said.

"Your going home or I'll call aunt may! Your done." Tony said and he got up and flew away.

"Wait...." Peter said in a grunt trying to get up. "Mr. Stark wait. I'm not done. I'm not."...... okay yeah I'm done. I'm done." He said giving up and lying back down.

At this time the three had just flown the quinjet out of the hanger. Vision flew down to Wanda. And Clint and Ta'Chala were standing up off the ground and stopped fighting.

"I'm sorry." Vision said to Wanda.

"Me to." she replied.

"It's as I said catastrophe." He told her.

Steve looked out the window of the jet and saw Tony chasing us with Rhodes not to far behind and Sam behind both of them And sped up in the jet.

"Vision I've got a bandit on my six." Rohdey said. "Vision! Do you copy! Target his thruster turn him into a glider." Rhodes told him.

Vision looked up and shot a laser from the stone at Sam but Sam dogged it and it hit Rohdey's chest plate instead. Causing him to lose power and go falling. Tony looked back and saw him and went full speed after him. Sam trying to follow him.

"Rohdey!" Tony called getting worried.

"Tony I'm flying dead stick." He said And passed out in the suit.

"Rhodes!" Tony yelled again but he couldn't catch up to him. And he hit the ground making a dent in the earth. He flew down to him and Tony ripped the mask off of his face.

"Friday read vitals." He demanded .

"Heartbeat detected emergency medical is on its way." She said back. When Sam hit the ground in front of him.

"I'm sorry." he said. But Tony held out his hand and blasted him with a thruster.

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