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"The structure is polymorphic." Shuri said as she scanned vision.

"Right, we had to attach every neuron non-sequentially." Bruce told her.

"Why didn't you just reprogram the synappsis to work collectively." She asked so Vision and I both looked to Bruce for his answer.

"Because......we...didn't think of it." He said.

"I'm sure you did your best." She replied.

"Can you do it?" Wanda asked.

" yes but there are more than 2 trillion neurons here. One misalignment because of Cascade circuit failures. It will take time brother." She said looking over to Ta'Chala.

" how long?" Steve asked.

"As long as you can give me." She replied when an alarm started beeping and Ayo pulled up a hologram looking to see what was wrong.

"Something's entered the atmosphere." She announced. And we all walked to the window looking out while Rhodes Sam and Bucky were outside looking up to see something coming down from the sky.

"Hey guys we got a situation here." Sam said into his com. But when it kept falling it hit the dome surrounding Wakanda and exploded.

"God, I love this place." Bucky mumbled.

"Yeah, don't start celebrating yet guys. We got more incoming outside the dome." Rhodey announced and multiple more came into contact on the outside hitting the ground and sticking into it.

"It's to late. We need to destroy the stone now." Vision said as he sat up and stood up off of the table.

"Vision get your ass back on the table." Nat demanded.

"We will hold them off." Ta'Chala said and he began to walk off with Ayo.

"Now you two as soon as that stone is out of his head one of you blows it to hell." Steve told us.

"Wait I can't go down there?" I asked.

"Start off here and hold them off if they make it up."

"We will." Wanda told him and I poured slightly.

"Evacuate the city Engage all defenses." Ta'Chala said making demands. "And get this man a shield." He said and looked to Steve.


"How we looking Bruce?" Nat asked. Bruce was inside of the Veronica suit because the Hulk wouldn't come out.

"Yeah I think I'm getting the hang of it." He replied And he jumped slightly flying through the air and landing in front of the vehicle everyone was on.

"Wow! This is amazing, man. It's like being the Hulk without actually-" but while he was running he tripped on a rock and face planted into the ground.

"I've got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line." Rhodes announced as he and Sam flew side by side. And aliens walked up on the outside of the dome.

Back inside the Dora Malije and all of the avengers and border tribes jumped off of their vehicles and stood in line ready to fight.

"Thank you for standing with us." Ta'Chala said as he walked up to M'baku.

"kunjalo mntakwethu." (Of corse brother.) he replied. And then Steve Nat and Ta'Chala walked up to the dome to meet the aliens but there were only two.

"Where's your other friend?" Nat asked.

"You will pay for his life with yours. What about your friend?" The alien asked.

"You will be seeing her again very soon." Nat replied.

"Thanos will have that stone." The female said.

"That's not gonna happen." Steve replied.

"You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood." Ta'Chala told them.

"We have blood to spare." The Alien replied and held up her staff when back behind her containers open so the three of them walked back to where everyone was standing.

"They surrender?" Bucky asked as Steve stood next to him.

"Not exactly." Steve replied and from a distance the aliens could be seen running at the dome.

"YABAMBE!!" (Hold fast!) Ta'Chala shouted starting a chant.

"YABAMBE!!" The wakandans called back. And  then the alien threw her staff in her hand to her side and thousands of them came running from the tree line.

"What the hell?" Bucky mumbled.

"Looks like we pissed her off." Nat commented and then the aliens started hitting the dome but died almost instantly not making it through.

"They're killings themselves." Okoye said.

And then one finally made it through filled by two others. Then many more and started running to The Avengers and Wakandans. Everyone was firing what they had while Sam and Rhodey were flying above dropping bombs and shooting at them.

"You see the teeth on those things?" Sam asked through the coms.

"All right back up Sam or you're gonna get your wings singed." Rhodes told him, and droped several bombs right along the line of the dome killing off some of the aliens and flew off as they exploded. When Bruce noticed that some of them were running around to the back of the dome where nobody was.

"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us,there's nothing between them and Vision." Bruce announced.

"Then we better keep 'em pin front of us." Steve replied.

"How do we do that?" Okoye asked.

"We open the barrier." Ta'Chala replied. " on my signal open north-west section seventeen." He said into his com.

"requesting confirmation my king. You said open the barrier?" The dome control person asked.

"On my signal." He replied.

"This will be the end of Wakanda." M'Baku mumbled.

"Then it will be the noblest ending in history." Okoye told him and Ta'Chala walked out in front of everyone.

"Wakanda Forever!" He yelled and everyone started yelling as they ran for the dome wall to begin fighting the aliens.

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