The baby's Coming

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"It's coming. Oh. The baby's coming." I said my heart pounding.

"Your pregnant?!?" She asked then ran over to me. "Okay uh let's get you comfortable okay?" She said grabbing two pillows from the  couch and I put my hand on it leaning over.

"It's okay Bucky went to get my Tony and Bruce he will be back soon." When things on the inside of the house started coming to life. And pictures were spinning on the walls. And I fell to the floor but Nat ran up and caught me Laing me down gently.

"No, no, no there's not enough time for that. Just, Relax. Relax." Nat told me putting two pillows under my head and I groand in pain causing the vacuum cleaner to turn on.

"You know your breathing right?" Nat asked grabbing a blanket. And I started taking those weird breaths breathing heavily. Then groaned in pain. And a fire in the fire place lit up.

"I'm sure there is a logical explication for this." Nat said.

"Oh it's all perfectly Natural!!" And I screamed out in pain again.

"Hey hey your doing great. Hey look at me. Look at me." She said and started doing the rhythmic breaths.

"I can't do this." I whispered softly.

"Yes you can." She said.

"I can't. I can't." I replied softly.

"You can do this." Reassured me and I shook my head no at her.

"Yes you can. You can do this!" She yelled then checked how dilated I was.

"It's time to start pushing." She told me.

"You ready?" She asked but I shook my head no.

"Your ready. Your ready." She told me.

"Push. Push, Abbie. Push!" She yelled. And I screamed out in pain pushing as hard as I could ready to get it over with.

"Yeah, at-a' girl." Nat said. I took a deep breath and pushed again as my yell of pain slowly came to a stop. And everything in the house went back to normal. And I laid my head on the pillows behind my neck. And I heard the sound of a baby crying. And Nat lifted it up wrapped in a blanket and said.

"It's a girl." I sighed and laughed a little I slowly leaned up a little but was still on the floor as she handed the baby to me.

"Hi." I say weakly my voice slightly cracking as I breathed heavily but my smile was growing and happiness spread through me. As I looked into her icy deep blue eyes.

"Oh she's perfect." I said when Bucky Tony and Bruce ran in the door. But to my Surprise Steve was with them.

"Oh, no. I missed it." Bucky said and I looked up at him but he had a smile on his face. And I looked back down at the baby.

"Hey Tony Bruce why don't you guys help me out in the kitchen." Nat said and they walked away but Steve and Bucky walked down and each got on one side of me.

"Oh, Well done doll." He said and rubbed her face a little bit with his thumb.

"She's got your eyes." I said. Looking up at Bucky and slowly siting her up letting him hold her.

"Oh your strong. I said softly."

"Hello there little Brenna." He said.

"Brenna?" I asked.

"Yes Brenna." He replied and then leaned down to kiss me but I screamed in pain and both of the boys screamed to scared of what just happened!

"What?!?" Bucky yelled.

"Buck!" Steve yelled. And pointed but my hand flew to his and I squeezed it trying to lessen the pain.

"What the hell!" Bucky yelled and moved around to where Nat was to deliver the first baby and I continue screaming.

"There's another baby coming!" Bucky yelled.

"Alley!" I yelled back.

"Abbie, push! Push!" Steve yelled as Bucky handed him Brenna. And I screamed as I pushed as hard as I could.


"20 fingers and 20 toes. You've got two healthy baby girls on your hands." Bruce said as he handed me Brenna and I bounced her a little rocking her in my arms.

"Thank you Guys." I said to all of them. And both Bucky and I laid the girls in the same crib.
And Nat walked over to me as the boys went to talk.

"I do owe you a debt of gratitude." I told her.

"your such a strong woman." She told me. "Can you believe it? Twins." She said and ticked them a little bit.

"You know theres something about me only the boys know." I told her and she looked over at me confused.

"I'm a twin." I told her. "I had a brother. His name was Matteo." I said and the baby's started fussing so I sang a soft lullaby in Russian that I knew.

"Do you ever miss him?" She asked.

"All the time, he died along with my parents." I explained when all of the boys walked over but I was still happy.

"Y'all wanna come over and eat something and let Pep and Morgan meet the twins." Tony asked

"Yeah sure." I replied.

"Banner? Romanoff? Rogers?" Tony asked.

"Yeah sounds good." Nat said and we all spent the rest of the night there.

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