Peter Parker

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We walked in and I closed the door behind us and locked it. Then walked over and spit out my walnut date loaf into the trash.

"As far as walnut date loaves go that wasn't bad." I said.

"Woah what do we have here?" I said looking at his desk. "Retro tech huh? Thrift store? Salvation Army?"

"Uh the garbage actually." He said.

"So you are a dumpster diver?" I asked.

"Yeah I was.....Anyway look um I definitely did not apply for your grant." He said.

"Ah-ah! Me first." I interrupted. "Quick question of the rhetorical variety." I said pulling out a device that looked like a phone but wasn't. And it projected a video that stoped on an image of a boy in sweats wearing what looked like goggles.

"That's you right?" I asked.

"Umm no." He said he said crossing his arms. "What do you mean?"

I flipped it over and it played another video.

Look at you go i said And it projected a video of the same boy swinging from the rooftops and put himself between a car and a bus to prevent them from having a wreck.

"Wow nice catch 3000 pounds 40 miles an hour."I told him. "That's not easy you've got mad skills."

"That's all on YouTube though right? That's where to found that?" He asked. "Because you know that's all fake right it's all done on a computer."

"Mmm-hmm." I fake agreed.

"It's like that video what is it?" Peter continued.

"Oh you mean like those UFOs over Phoenix?" I asked.

"Exactly." Peter said.

I picked up a broom that was in his room because I noticed a hatch on the ceiling and I pushed it open. And a sweat suit fell out on a string.

"Oh what do we have here." I said. But Peter jumped in front of it snatching it off the string and throwing it in his laundry basket.

"So." I said walking in front of him. "Your the spider-ling? Crime fighting spider. Your spider-boy?" I asked.

Spider-Man. He mumbled.

"Not in that onesie Your not." I told him.

"It's not a onesie. I don't believe this. I was actually having a really good day today ya know Mr. Stark." He said as I pulled his suit out of the laundry basket.

"I didn't miss my train this perfectly good DVD player was just sitting there." He continued. "And algebra test. Nailed it."

"Who else knows? Anybody?" I asked.

"No nobody." He replied.

"Not even your unusually attractive aunt?"

"No no no no if she knew she would freak out an when she freaks out I freak out." Peter said.

"You know what I think is really cool this webbing." I said and then he threw it at him. But he caught it without even looking.

"That tensile strength is off the charts. Who manufactured that?" I asked.

"I did." Peter said.

"Climbing walls how are you doing that? Adhesive gloves?" I asked.

"It's a long story I was uh bitten by a........"

But I interrupted him. Finding the goggles on his suit and seeing how pitch black they were.

"Lordy! Can you even see in these?" I asked holding them up to my face.

"AhHhHhHh I'm Blind!" I said. When Peter took them out of my hand.

"Yes I can see in those. But when whatever happened happened. It was like my senses were dialed up to 11. and there is just way to much input. And those just kind of help me focus."

"You are in Dire need of an upgrade." I told him.
"Systemic top to bottom, hundred-point restoration. That's why I'm here."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. As he sat down on the bed. I've got to know what's your MO? What gets you out of that twin bed every morning?"

"Because......" Peter started. "Because I've been me my whole life and I've had these powers for six months. I read books I build computers. And yeah of corse I would love to play football. But I couldn't then so I shouldn't now."

"Sure because your different." I said.

"Exactly." He agreed. "But I can't tell anybody that so it means that I'm not. Look when you can do the things that I can do but you don't.......and then the bad things happen...... they happen because of you."

"So you wanna look out for the little guy and you wanna do your part and make the world a better place and all that right." I asked.

"Yeah yeah. Just looking out for the little guy." He agreed. "That's what it is."

I got up and walked over to the bed and was going to sit down next to him.

"I'm gonna sit here so you move the leg." I told him. Peter looked down and saw he had his leg propped up so he moved it so i sat down and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Do you have a passport?" I asked.

"No I don't even have a drivers license." Peter responded.

"Have you ever been to Germany?" I asked.

"No." he said in response.

"Oh you'll love it." I told him.

"I can't go to Germany." He protested.

Why? I asked.

"I've got homework." He said.

I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that. I said standing up.

"I'm being serious I can't just drop out of high school." He argued.

"It might be a little dangerous. I better tell aunt hottie I'm taking you on a field trip." I said as i approached the door. When something was shot at my hand and it stuck me to the door.

"Don't tell aunt May." Peter said and I noticed his hand was out and amid at the door and he had shot a web.

"Alright Spider-Man." I said. .......Get me out of this." I told him.

"Oh yeah right sorry." He said.

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