Oh No

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"Well it's not a constant progression, so I'm assuming but where I to graph the fetal development thus far." Bucky said and started thinking very hard.

"She's gonna be here before you figure it out." I told him.

"The nearest I can conclude is that Alley-" he said.

"-Brenna" I corrected chewing.

"Is due Friday afternoon." He finished.

"In three days?? Maybe I should sit down. " I said and walked to the chair

Later that day I was making lunch and Bucky had found a doll somewhere. Don't ask me where though because I don't remember buying it. He looked it dead in the eyes, even though it was made of plastic, and said.

"I think we have an understanding......Start the clock." He said and I hit a little button on a timer as he started to put a diaper on the doll. Once he was done he held up his hands and said.

"Time." So I stopped the clock.

"Your personal best." I told him.

"Yes! We are nothing if not prepared." When I felt a weird feeling from my stomach that wasn't a kick.

"Oh!" I exclaimed.

"What is it Doll?"

"Ooh!" I said again clutching my belly and making a weird face. "Do any of your books talk about this? It's not painful, but it's strange."

"A tightening sensation?" He asked.

"yep. that's it." I replied.

"Yes." He said and picked up the book flipping through it. " where was it, where was it? Ah! Braxton Hicks contractions also known as false labor, it usually starts in the third trimester." Whenever he started going off on his own.

"Named after John Braxton Hicks in 1875."

"Bucky." I said and motioned for him to tell me what to do.

"Sorry. Yes. Yes. Ohh! Excellent! It gives us a chance to work on our breathing exercises. It should go like this. Hee hee hoo. Hee hee hoo." And he just kept doing it so I started doing it with him.

"Yeah it's not working. I can still feel it." I told him.

"I'm sorry." When it turned to where it actually kinda hurt and I groaned in pain, and the lights started flickering and water in the sink started bubbling up.

"What the.....what's happening?" I asked.

"Let's abandon the kitchen." He said grabbing my hand and we ran out. When we got to the table in the Living room the lights went really bright. We got back to back because we didn't know what was going on I held out my hands ready to use my powers and buck looked ready to punch something. And we slowly spun in a circle and the power went out.

"it stopped." I said.

"I'll go check on Tony and pepper." He said.

"Yes." I agreed and he ran out.


"Tony does the leftover baby weight make me look fat?" Pepper asked Tony who was holding Morgan on the couch but the power went out.

"Oh thank god." He said relieved.


"Well their power went out but Tony fixed it pretty quick." He said walking in the door.

"As did I." I replied and the power came back on as I skipped out and he laughed a little bit.

"And that was just a fake contraction to. Who knows what will happen when the real thing starts." I said.

"Well the truth is we are in uncharted waters. And you know what?" He asked sitting next to me on the couch. "I'm anxious to."

"We just don't know what to expect." I said.

"Nope." He agreed.

"Will the baby be a super soldier, Or have powers? Maybe a little bit of both." I said giggling.

"Well if she's anything like her mother Alley, will be perfect."

"You mean Brenna." I said, and He replied with a simple.

"-Mmm" and I laughed a little bit when a sharp pain shot through my stomach.

"HUOOHHH!!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, no, doll, are you alright?" He asked standing up backing away a little.

"This is a real one!" I yelled.

"-What!!" He asked and began pacing.

"I thought you said Friday afternoon!"

"Well I didn't consider that the timings between developmental benchmarks could be kinda random!" He said.

I started breathing those really weird breaths to try and make it stop. Also standing up and grabbing bucks hands so he would stop pacing and calm down and he started breathing with me.

"Better?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes, doll, thank you, it's passing." He said laughing when you above us a thunder rumbled and rain started to fall. And we both started getting wet.


"Yes doll?"

"I think my water just broke."

"Yes doll."

Warriors Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora