Avengers V.S. Avengers pt. 2

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Steve and I was still fighting Rohdey and Ta'Chala and neither of them were winning.

"Cap heads up." Scott said running up behind us throwing Steve a tiny toy truck. Steve looked at it confused and then back to Scott.

" throw it at this." Scott said holding up something to him and threw it in the air and Steve threw the little toy truck at it and it grew inside to a huge truck.

"Oh come on!" Rohdey yelled as it was heading right towards him landing on top of him exploding.

"Oh I thought it was a water truck. Uhhhh sorry." Scott said and we took off. After they had left

"Is this part of the plan?" Nat asked as Tony helped her up.

"Well my plan was to go easy on them do you wanna switch it up?" Tony asked.

There's our ride Clint said running with wanda. When Steve and I ran out in front of them Scott coming out and running between the four of us.

Come on! I yelled to Bucky and Sam who were running to catch up. We were all running for the quinjet almost in a straight line. When a laser that started cutting the concrete appeared in front of us and we looked up to see vision.

"Captain Rogers. Ms. Marvel." He said. "I know what you believe what you are doing is right. but for the collective good. You must surrender now." He told us.

Tony landed below him one fist and one knee hitting the ground And stood up. Nat walked up behind him and stood about one step back. Then Rohdey flew in and had Ta'Chala with him dropped him down and they both landed next to Tony. When Peter swung in while vision lowered himself down.

So it was Tony, Rohdey, Peter, Nat, Vision, and Ta'Chala Versus Me, Sam, Scott, Clint, Wanda, Steve, and Bucky.

"What do we do guys ?" Sam asked us.

"We fight." I responded.

"This is gonna end well." Nat said sarcastically And we all started walking towards each other. And steadily started getting faster.

"There not stopping." Peter said.

"neither are we." Tony told him.

And we started running

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

And we started running. Tony and Rohdey took off flying and Wanda and I launched ourselves into the air. And we all met in the middle. Tony took cap. Clint and Nat. Rohdey and Sam. Bucky and Ta'Chala. And Scott and Peter. Wanda and I where all over doing everything and were helping our side wherever was needed. When Clint managed to get Nat on the ground.

"We're still friends right?" Nat asked.

"Depends on how hard you hit me." He told her. And she flipped him over and kicked him.

"Sorry Clint nothing personal." she said walking off.

Bucky and Ta'Chala were still fighting and couldn't beat each other.

"I didn't kill your father." Bucky told him.

"Then why did you run?" Ta'Chala asked. And kicked Bucky into a wall and claws came out of his suit and he lunged at his throat. When I dropped down from the sky grabbing Ta'Chala's hand and body with my powers centimeters before he got to Bucky and flung him away and into a loading ramp.

"You were pulling your punches." I told him and walked off.

When over next to us Peter was swinging by and Steve threw his shield cutting his web. And he fell to the ground and Steve pressed a button to make his shield come back.

"That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all." Peter said.

"Look kid there's a lot going on here that you don't understand." Steve told him.

"Funny, Mr. Stark said you would say that wow." He said and shot webs at him pulling Steve to him and kicking him in the face then flung him into a truck.

"He also said to go for your legs." Peter said.
But Steve ended up hitting him with his shield and he landed under the loading ramp to a plane.

"Did Stark tell you anything else?" Steve asked Peter.

"That your wrong and you think your right. And that makes you dangerous." He replied.

Steve threw his shield at a pole holding up the loading ramp onto the plane causing it to fall when Peter tried to go after him again but he caught it before if fell on him.

"Guess he had a point." Steve said. "You've got heart kid where are you from." He asked.

"Queens." Peter replied through a grunt.

"Brooklyn." Steve said running away and leaving him there.

Tony was chasing Sam AC getting closer and closest behind him.

"Clint can you get him off my tail?" Sam asked.

"You buckled in." Clint asked an ant sized Scott who was attempting to ride on the tip of his arrow.

"Yeah no I'm good I'm good arrow guy let's go! Let's go!!" Scott said as a response. And Clint fired the arrow along with several others. Tony stoped to shot them all and hee shot Scott's last but not before he jumped off and climbed into Tony's suit. Clint was still shooting arrows at him and Tony was hitting them all with the thrusters until one of them went out.

"Uhhh Friday?" He asked.

"We have some weapon systems offline." Friday told him.

"Wait what?" Tony questioned. At this point he had stopped to see what was going on.

"Oh yeah your gonna have to take this into the shop" Scott said.

"Who is speaking??" He asked.

"It's your conscience, we don't talk a lot these days." Scott replied still messing with stuff inside of the suit.

"Friday?" Tony said.

"Deploying fire suppression system." She responded.

"Uh oh." Scott said as he watched the mist start coming towards him and began to run.

"Oh boy!" He said panicking as it was getting closer. "Woah!" He yelled as it picked him up And carried him out of the suit.

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