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Abigail POV

" we're about 40 minutes out from homebase sir" the pilot in the jet said.

"So this doctor Banner was trying to replicate the serum they used on me?" Steve asked agent colson.

"a lot of people were." He replied. "You two were the worlds first super hero's. Banner thought gamma radiation might the key to unlock Erskine's original formula"

" it didn't really go his way did it?" I asked.

"Not so much." He replied. " when he's not that thing though the guy is like a Stephen Hawking." But Steve looked up at him confused because he didn't know who that was.

"He's a really smart person." I explained.

"I gotta say. It's an honor to meet you two officially. I've sort of met you. I mean, I watched you while you were sleeping. I mean I was present while you were unconscious from the ice." He said and Steve and I stood up walking to look out the window.

" you know it's really just a huge honor to have you on board."

"I hope we're the right ones for the job." Steve says.

" oh you are absolutely. We made some modifications to the uniform and got you a
Ms. Marvel uniform" he said. " I had a little design input."

" The uniform?" Steve asked. " aren't the stars and stripes a little old-fashioned?"

" with everything that's happening and the things that are about to come to light people might just need a little old fashioned."

Not long later the jet landed on the S.H.E.I.L.D. Boat and me Steve and colson walked out. And I saw Natasha.

"Nat!" I said and ran up to her. And we walked to Steve and phill together.

" agent Romanoff, captain Rogers" colson said introducing them to each other.

"Ma'am." Steve greeted.

"Hi." Nat said. " I need you on the bridge they're starting face trace." She told Phil.

"See you two there." He said to me and Nat then walked off.

" it was quite the buzz around here finding you two in the ice." Nat said talking to Steve. " I thought Coulson was gonna swoon. Did he ask you to sign his captain America trading guards yet?"

" trading cards?" Steve asked.

" their vintage he's very proud." She replied. When the Three of us saw Bruce.

" Dr. Banner." I said and we walked up to greet him.

"Yeah, hi. They told me you guys would be coming." Bruce replied.

"Word is, you can find the cube." Steve said.

"Is that the only word on me?" Bruce asked.

"The only one I care about." Steve replied.

"It must be strange for you guys, all of this." Bruce said.

"Well this is actually kind of familiar." Steve told him.

"Gentlemen you might want to step inside a minute." Nat said.

"It's gonna get a little hard to breathe." I added.

"Is this a submarine?" Steve asked.

"Really? They want me in a submerged pressurized, metal container?" Bruce said Nat and I stood side by side as the boys walked to the edge of the ship and watched what was happening. And the ship started to rise from the water as the turbines were revealed and we took off.

"No no. This is much worse." Bruce yelled over all of the noise. And we started making our way inside as Nat and I led the way through the ship. And then into a room where there were agar ta working all over.

"Alright let's vanish." Nick announced.

"Engage retro-reflection panels." Maria Hill commanded. And on the bottom of the ship they began to reflect the clouds and sky making us invisible.

Bruce and Nick were talking about how to find the Tesseract and Bruce was telling him what to do.

"Do you have somewhere for me to work?" Bruce asked.

"Agent Romanoff and Agent Rogers. Could you show Dr. Banner to his laboratory please?" Nick asked.

So Nat and I took Bruce down the hall.

"Your gonna love it Doc. We got all the toys." I told him.


"I man if it's not to much trouble." Phill said to me.

"No no it's fine." I replied. He had asked me of course to sight his captain America trading carded which was kinda cool.

"It's a vintage set. It took me a couple of years to collect them all." He told me. "Near mint. Slight fixing around the edges but-" but he was cut off my an agent.

"We got a hit a 67% match." The agent said. "Wait cross match. 79%." He said.

"Location?" Phill asked walking up to him.

"Stuttgart Germany 28 Konigstrasse. He's not exactly hiding." The agent said. Nick looked over at me who was now standing next to Steve.

"Captain, Ms. Marvel. Your up." Nick said.

Steve and I nodded agreeing With him and left to go put on our uniforms.

Steve and I nodded agreeing With him and left to go put on our uniforms

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The uniform had a mask that would cover my face but I chose not to wear it simply because I didn't want to.

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