It hurts

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"you just can't stop yourself from lying can you?" Steve asked as he walked into Nicks office.

" I didn't lie Agent Romanoff and Agent Rogers had a different mission than yours." Nick replied.

"which you didn't feel obliged to share." Steve said.

" i'm not obliged to do anything." Nick said.

" those hostages could've died, Nick. I sent the greatest soldiers in history to make sure that didn't happen."

" soldiers trust each other that's what makes it an army. Not a bunch of guys running around shooting guns."

" last time I trusted someone I lost an eye. Look I didn't want you doing anything you weren't comfortable with. Agent Romanoff and Agent Rogers are comfortable with everything."

" I can't lead a mission people I am leading have missions of their own."

"It's called compartmentalization. Nobody spills the secrets because nobody knows them all." nick told him

"Except you."

" you're wrong about me I do share. I'm nice like that."

Nick and Steve walked to an elevator because Nick was about to show Steve project insight.

"insight bay." Nick said to the elevator telling it where to go.

" Captain Rogers does not have clearance for project insight." The computer told him.

" Director override, Fury Nicholas J."

"Confirmed." The computer replied and the doors closed and the elevator started moving.

" you know they used to play music." Steve said interrupting the silence.

"Yeah. My grandfather operated one of these things for 40 years." Nick said.

"Granddad worked in a nice building. Got good tips. He walk home every night with a roll of ones stuffed in his lunch bag. He'd say hi. People would say hi back. Time went on the neighborhood got rougher. He say hi. They'd say keep on stepping. Granddad got to gripping that lunch bag little tighter."

" did he ever get mugged?" Steve asked.

" Every week some punk would say what's in the bag?"

"What would he do?"

" he'd show them. Bunch of crumpled ones, and a loaded 22 magnum. Yeah granddad loved people but he didn't trust them very much."

they looked out the window of the elevator and they had gone below ground. And Steve was in complete shock at what he saw.

" Yeah I know a little bit bigger than a 22." Nick said and they looked out at three huge jets. And people all around working on them. And loading smaller jets onto them.

" this is project insight. Three next generation Hala carriers synced to a network of targeting satellites."

"Launched from the lemurian star." Steve finished.

" once we get them in the air they never need to come down. Continuous suborbital flight courtesy of our new repulcer engines" Nick told him.

"Stark?" Steve asked.

"He had A few suggestions once he got an up close look at our old turbines. These new long range precision guns. Can aluminate 1000 hostiles a minute. The satellites can read a terrorists DNA before he steps outside his Spider hole. We're gonna neutralize a lot of threats before they even happen"

" thought the punishment usually came after the crime." Steve said.

"We can't afford to wait that long." Nick told him.

" who's we?" Steve asked.

" after New York I convinced the world security council we needed a quantum surge in threat analysis. For once were way ahead of the curve."

"By holding a gun to everyone earth and calling it protection." Steve said

"You know I read those SSR files." Nick told him. "Greatest generation? You guys did some nasty stuff."

"Yeah we compromised. Sometimes in ways that made us not sleep so well. But we did it so that people could be free. This isn't freedom this is fear." Steve told him.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. Takes The world as it is not as we'd like it to be. And it's getting damn near past time for you to get with that program, Cap."

"Don't hold your breath." Steve told him and walked away. He came and got me and we left
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters but we didn't go to our apartment we went to the Smithsonian museum. Directly for the Captain America and Ms. Marvel section.

Narrator: " A symbol to the nation heroes to the world. The story of Captain America and
Ms. Marvel is one of honor bravery and sacrifice."

As the narrator said this Steve and I walked around looking at the different sections and pictures of us all over the place. I had a hood over my head and Steve had on a hat trying to hide our faces from view.

Narrator: "denied enlistment due to poor health Stephen Rogers was chosen for a program unique in the annals of American warfare. One that would transform him into the worlds first super soldier. While Abigail Rogers worked for the military and S.H.I.E.L.D. all along. Without anybody knowing."

We were looking around when a little boy spotted us and was staring wide eyed. Steve held is finger to his lips motioning for him to stay quiet about the fact we were here and the little boy slowly nodded his head.

Narrator: " Battle tested captain America,
Ms. Marvel and there howling commandos quickly earned their stripes. There mission taking down Hydra. The Nazi rouge science division."

And then Steve and I walked over to another picture one that absolutely broke me. A picture of Bucky.

Narrator: "Best friends since childhood. Bucky Barnes and both of the Roger cousins were inseparable on both school yard and battlefield. Barnes and Abigail Rogers were even together. Yet Barnes is the only Howling Commando to give his life in service of his country."

Steve and I had found a video and it was all put together from different times during the war. Mostly of me buck and Steve laughing there was one at the bar. And then a tear slid down my cheek as one played of him kissing me as I kissed back. I clutched the dog Tags on my chest and let another tear fall. Steve noticed and pulled me into him hugging me. And then left and found a video of Peggy but I stayed watching the video over and over.

"Talk to me Bucky." I whispered. And let the tears stream down my face.

I never give myself time to think about him on purpose. Hoping that one day i could forget about it completely. But at the same time I wish I won't. You can never forget someone like Bucky he was perfect his eyes were that piercing ice blue that sparkled when he was happy and made you feel like he was looking into your soul and never want to leave his gaze. He was sweet and his lips were amazingly soft but still passionate and deep with love when he would kiss me. And the way his warm arms would wrap around me as we slept used to send chills down my spine and when I shivered he would pull me closer into him. He was goofy and gorgeous and most of all he was mine. But he was also gone and the thought of it made me not want to live my life without him.

I kept watching the video not wanting to ever leave as the part where we kissed played it was almost as if I was still in the 40s with him. And we were laughing together and just being us. Without a care in the world only focused on each other. But after a while I broke. It felt like my heart had snapped. I had felt the pain of losing him all over again. I practically ran out of the Museum and to the car. As soon as I had gotten in I was alone and started sobbing.

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