Avengers V.S. Avengers

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"All right, we're done." Tony told us. "Your gonna turn Barnes over, your gonna come with us, now, because it's us. Or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite......come on."

"We found it." Sam said in the coms. "Their Quinjets in hanger five, north runway." He told us.

Steve and I held up our hands because we were still stuck in peters webs and back on the Parking deck two arrows were released and cut both of the webs off our hands that we were trapped in.

"All right Lang." I said And Scott crawled up on top of Steve's shield that Peter was still holding.

"You guys something..." Peter started to say but was cut off by Scott growing back to his normal size and kicking him in the face landing next to me and Steve.

"I believe this is yours Captain America." He said handing him the shield.

"Oh Great." Tony mumbled. And used his locator to find everyone hiding around us.

"Alright there are two of them on the parking deck one of them is Maximoff I'll grab her." He said. "Rohdey? Do you two want to take Cap." He asked.

"I've got two in the terminal Wilson and Barnes."Rohdey replied.

"Barnes is mine." Ta'Chala said running off.

"Oh no you don't." I said and ran after Ta'Chala and Steve threw his shield at Rhodes hitting him in the chest.

Hey Mr. Stark what should I do. Peter asked.

"What we discussed! keep your distance and web them up." Tony told him.

"Ok, copy that." He replied and swung off.

I had caught up to Ta'Chala and grabbed him with my powers throwing him back behind my but he stopped himself on the ground.

"Move Marvel. I won't ask a second time." He told me.

But I just tilted my head and it made me look intimidating. Ta'Chala ran at me jumping up and tried to land a kick but I blocked each of them with my powers.

"Look I really don't want to hurt you." Scott told Nat.

"I wouldn't stress about it." Nat replied and landed a kick on Scott and was about to flip him over her shoulder when he shrunk down to the size of an ant and flipped Nat instead. But he ended up hitting her taser and getting shocked sending him flying into a piece of metal.

Peter jumped up on the window of the terminal and was running after Sam and Bucky but on the outside.

What the hell is that? Bucky asked running next to Sam.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now." Sam replied.

And Peter swung in breaking the glass Kicking Sam to the floor. Bucky attempted to punch him but Peter blocked it but had a nerd moment.

"You have a metal arm?!? That's awesome dude."
When Sam came and crashed into Peter grabbing him.

"You have the right to remain silent!" Peter yelled. And started swinging out of Sams grip.

I was still fighting with Ta'Chala but I was getting bored so I grabbed him and flung him backwards all the way back to Rhodes.

Sorry Cap this ain't gonna kill you but it ain't gonna tickle either. Rohdey told him.

And he pulled out an electric stick of some sort and flew at Steve but when he went to hit him Steve held up his shield blocking it.

"Wanda I think you hurt Visions feeling." Tony said flying up to her and Clint.

"You locked me in my room." She replied.

"Okay first that's an exaggeration. Second I did it to protect you.........Hey Clint."

"Hey man." Clint said back.

"Clearly retirement doesn't suit you. did you get tired of shooting golf?"

"Well I played 18 and shot 18. I just can't seem to miss." He said and pulled back an arrow and fired it. But It flew right past Tony and he blasted it.

"Well there's a first time for everything." He said.

"Made you look." Clint responded. And Tony looked at Wanda and saw she was using her powers he then Looked back behind him and saw cars flying towards him. He tried to blast them but got trapped underneath all of them.

"Multiple contusions detected." Friday told him.

"Yeah I detected that to." He replied.

Peter was still swinging all over the place inside the terminal. When Bucky threw something at him.

"Hey buddy I think you lost this." Peter yelled. And threw it back at him Breaking some glass as it flew right past Bucky and he took off running back out from behind the pole. then watched Sam crash down to the floor. And saw a web on his back on the part of his suit where his wings go. When Peter webbed Sam to a railing.

"Are Those wings made out of carbon fiber?" Peter asked sticking himself to a column..

"Is this stuff coming out of you?" Sam asked about his webs.

"That would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio. Peter said. Which I gotta say, that's awesome Man." Petter replied.

"I don't know if you have ever been in a fight before but there is usually not this much talking." Sam told him.

"Alright. sorry my bad." He said and swung down attempting to hit Sam off the edge where the railing was but Bucky ran in front of him causing Peter to hit him but they both went flying down to the lower floor. he then Webbed Sam up again and webbed Bucky's metal arm to the floor.

"Guys look I'd love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today. And I've got to impress
Mr. Stark." Peter said. "So I'm really sorry." But Peter failed to notice that Sam was still able to reach and click buttons on the controller on his wrist. As Peter said sorry he shot a web at them but it landed on RedWing and it dragged him out a window breaking it and then dropping Peter to the ground.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky asked.

"I hate you." Sam replied.

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