The Falcon

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When the debris settled Steve lifted a huge rock from over top of Nat so she could get out while I sat against the wall coughing because of all the smoke and Nat was to.

"Come on we gotta go." Steve said.

Nat and I both stood up slowly and we were making our way out when tons of jets flew over top of us. So we took off and hid. Rumlow and his team were out looking for us and he found a footprint.

"call in the asset." Rumlow said through one of his coms.


Nat Steve and I walked up to a house and Steve knocked on the door. The window shade opened and Sam was standing there. When he recognized us he opened the door and saw we were covered in dirt and ash.

"Hey man." Sam greeted Steve.

"I'm sorry about this. We need a place to lay low." Steve said.

"everyone we know is trying to kill us." I told him.

"Not everyone." He said and moved out of the way letting us inside.

"so the question is who at S.H.E.I.L.D. domestic missile strike." Nat said.

"Pierce." Steve said.

"Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world." I said.

"but he's not working alone. Zola's algorithm was on the Lumerian star." Steve told us.

"so was jasper Sitwell." I told him.

"So the question is how do the two most wanted people in Washington kidnap a S.H.E.I.L.D. Officer in broad daylight?" Steve asked.

"The answer is you don't." Sam said and set a file and a picture down i front of me Steve and Nat.

"what's this?" I asked.

"Call it resume." He told me. And I picked up the picture where the three of us could see it.

"Is this Bakhmala? The Khalid khandil mission, that was you?" Nat asked.

"you didn't say he was a pararescue." I told Steve.

"Is this Riley?" Steve asked looking at the picture.

"Yeah." Sam replied.

"I heard they couldn't bring in the choppers because of the RPGs. What did you use a stealth shoot?" I asked.

"No. These." He said handing me the file. I opened it up and read what was on the inside and looked at the picture.

"I thought you said you were a pilot." Steve said to Sam.

"I never said pilot." Sam told him.

"I can't ask you to do this Sam you got out for a good reason." Steve said.

"dude, Captain America needs my help there's no better reason to get back in."

"What can we get our hands on one of these things?" Steve asked him.

"The last one is at Fort Meade. Behind three guard gates and a 12 inch steel wall."

"shouldn't be a problem." I said shrugging my shoulders and put the file on the table.

" I said shrugging my shoulders and put the file on the table

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Sam Steve Nat and I had just watched the senator and Jasper Sitwell walk out into the open so now our plan was in motion. Sam called sir wells phone but the caller ID on his end read

Alexander Pierce

"I need a minute. Bring the car around." Sitwell said to all of the Agents around him and they learned out as he answers the phone.

"Yes sir?" Sitwell asked.

"agent Sitwell how was lunch? I hear the Crab cakes here are delicious." Sam said.

"Who is this?" Sitwell asked.

"The good looking guy in the sunglasses your
10 o'clock." Sam replied. Sitwell looked around but he looked the wrong way.

"your other 10 o'clock." Sam told him. And Sitwell looked right at Sam.

"There you go." He said and Sam waved at him.

"What do you want?" Sitwell asked.

"you're gonna go around the corner to your right. there's a gray car too spaces down. you and I are gonna take a ride." Sam told him.

"And why would I do that?" Sitwell asked.

"Because that tie looks Really expensive. And I'd hate to mess it up." Sam said. Sitwell looked down at his tie and saw a red aiming dot on it from a gun.


Steve threw the door open and Sitwell through it on the roof of the building we were on top of and the three of us walked out and backed him against the edge.

"tell me about the Zola's algorithm." Steve demanded.

"never heard of it." Sitwell replied.

"what were you doing on the Lumerian star?" Steve asked.

"I was throwing up I get seasick." He replied. Steve grabbed his shirt and pulled him up to his height.

"Is this little display meant to insinuate that you are gonna throw me off the roof?" Sitwell asked. "Because that's really not your style, Rogers."

"Your right. it's not." Steve said and let him go smoothing out his jacket.

"But it is theirs." He said and moved out of the way letting Nat and I both land a kick on the Man sending him falling over the edge screaming.

"Oh wait Steve what about that girl from accounting." Nat said.

"Oh wats her name? Laura?" I asked.

"Lillian. Lip piercing right?" Steve asked.

"Yeah she's cute." I said.

"Yeah I'm not ready for that." Steve said. As we watched Sam fly up to the top of the building carrying Sitwell with him dropped him down then landed next to us. And we walked over to him.

"Zolas is algorithm is a program for choosing insight targets" Sitwell said.

"What targets?" Steve asked.

"You." He replied. "People just like you
Bruce banner, Steven strange anyone who is a threat to Hydra now or in the future."

"In the future? How could you know?" Steve asked. And Sitwell started laughing.

"How could it not?" He asked. "The 21'st century is a digital book. And Zola taught Hydra how to read it. Your bank records, medical history's, voting patterns, Emails, Phone calls, your damn SAT scores! Zolas algorithm evaluates peoples past to predict their future.

"And what then?" Steve asked.

"Oh my god Pierce is gonna kill me." Sitwell said.

"And what then!" Steve asked again.

"Then the insight helicarriers cross people off the list. A few million at a time."

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