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After a second We had ended up crawling under the table as to shield ourselves from the rain.

"Well I was just reading about the advantages of water birth." Bucky said trying to make a joke.

"Not funny." I replied and the rain came to a stop and we crawled out from underneath the table.

"Here let me help you up doll." He said and grabbed my hand and I looked around the room.

"What a mess." I said. And used my powers to open the double doors and shot wind through them drying everything off including me and Bucky.

"Oh that's better." I said and a pain shot through my stomach again. And I groaned as I clutched my stomach.

"Hey Bucky do you think it's time to—"

"Go get Bruce and Tony." He said cutting me off.

"Yup." I replied.

"There all over at Tony's I'll be back in just a second." He said and ran out the door. I started panicking a little bit when another pain shot through my stomach I tried breathing like the book said but it wasn't helping very much when I heard a squawking noise coming from the nursery. I slowly began to walk closer to it but jumped out of my skin at the sound of a knock on the door. I looked to it then down at my belly then back up.

"Oh, shoot." I said to myself. I ran to the closet and grabbed a fairly large coat that would cover the baby bump and put it on. Then answered the door to see Nat.

"Abbie, what's up?" She asked kinda weirdly when she noticed my jacket. "Uh it's 75 degrees out are you making a fashion statement?"

"Oh hey Nattie." I said and she walked in the house. "Uh you know how's not really a good time." I said beginning to panic a little.

"No no no it's cute you will have to let me borrow it sometime." She said not getting what I meant. "But first I gotta burrow a bucket." I looked at her kinda confused but just shut the front door.

"Not to wear to use." She said. "Somehow one of the pipes at the compound bust and Steve is making me deal with it."

"All right. Sure just stay right there. I think I might have a bucket in the kitchen." I said and ran off.

"Okay then."

"I think it's just here under the sink!" I said but as I bent down the pain got worse and I yelled out but my jacket changed to a long yellow raincoat.

"Are you alright in there?" I heard Nat ask.

"Yes, I am just looking." But the pain hit again and I groaned. And the coat I was wearing changed again to a really soft robe.

"Ohh." I said feeling how soft it was.

"Here I'll come help." She said.

"No! I mean, no thank you." I said and pulled the jacket off. When Nat walked in the kitchen and my stomach wall fully exposed so I turned around and grabbed a bowl of fruit trying to hide it.

"Bingo!" She said and pulled out the bucket.

"Would you look at that." She said.

"What?" I asked scared.

"Fruit. Abbie! Thank you. Yummy." She said and picked up an apple.

"Well good luck with the leak." I said as we walked to the door. "And tell Steve I think he should be the one fixing it."

"Oh, that.......Oh! Say Marvel. I've got a question for you." She said and walked to the couch sitting down leaving me to question what was taking the boys so long.

"You know how we've been working a little more at the compound right?" She asked. "Well yesterday Steve was going crazy." But as she sat down I looked behind her and saw what had made the noise in the nursery. The Stork and must have had a worried look on my face.

"oh, look at me going on and on like you've got all the time in the world." She said and got up.

"Oh wait. No. Tell me about what happened with Steve."

" Oh, That's my girl." She said and sat back down.

"So yesterday Steve was going crazy stuttering and mumbling while trying to ask me a question." She said. But while she was talking I tried to make the stork disappear with my powers surrounding it in a cloud of the different colors of my powers, But it just used its wings and waved it away.

"But Steve is practically panicking and got nothing about what his is trying to say." Nat continued. "Nothing except for the worst case of hiccups I ever did see he couldn't get out one word, let alone a question." She said I tried to make the stork disappear again but it just waved away the cloud like last time and Nat continued.

"So I'm trying every trick in the book to help this poor man I'm hiding behind filing cabinets and jumping out when he least expects it like boom!" When I had an idea I picked up and orange as Nat said "boom!" And yelled throwing the orange at the stork hitting it but as it ran away it made a noise.

"What was that? Did you hear that?" She asked.

"No." I say simply.

"It was like a chattering sound, like......"

"Oh like a chchchchchch?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said.

"Bucky broke the ice maker and I was about to fix it. it's just been making noises."

"Oh." She said and I chuckled a little nervously.

"Ok anyways. So at this point I am helping Steve do a handstand under the water cooler. Because you know why not try a little upside down drink those hiccups away." But a sharp pain shot through my stomach again. But I tried to hide it as she continued talking.

"And wouldn't you know it, in that moment, in walked Bruce." She said but the stork started coming around the couch again.

"Oh no." I said.

"Oh yes but you know me I keep my cool no matter what's going on. But instead Bruce just walked right back out not wanting to know what was going on. And then stood Steve back up." When the stork was about to bite her pants. But she recrossed her legs scaring it away.

"Thank you." I say relived.

"Yes and that's exactly what Steve said. Right before he got very nervous."

"Nervous? Oh no what happend." I asked.

"Oh no, nothing happened. he asked me out!" And I'm thrilled. Which brings me to my question. Do y'all still keep his old stuff in your spare room? Because I was hoping you wouldn't mind letting me see it." She said beginning to walk into the nursery.

"Wait. Wait." I said putting down the bowl of fruit and running after her then grabbed a plant. but she walked in anyways. The stork had gone back to the painting on the wall but everything was still put together in there.

"Is that what I think it is?" She asked.

"Oh a Stork, yes, I can explain." I said giggling nervously trying to find a cover up.

"No! The crib." She said and turned around looking at me excited. When the biggest pain I had felt yet shot through my stomach I dropped the plant I was holding and the glass shattered when it hit the floor as I clutched the baby bump breathing heavily.

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