thirty two

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"Hey, thanks for swinging by

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Hey, thanks for swinging by."

"Yeah, no sweat. We were doing a prep at 26th and Cal." Jay shook his head as him and Spencer walked into the Chicago Med ED and toward Gloria. "Connor, take over for me in 3?" She called, handing Dr Rhodes an iPad before turning back to the detectives.

"What's going on?" Spencer asked as they followed Gloria. "Rash of OD's. They're coming in waves. Third one today just coded." She answered, signing a paper a nurse handed her. "Heroin?"

"Yeah. But definitely laced. Probably Fentanyl: I haven't seen anything like this since.... Ever." Dr Cruz agreed, handing the clipboard back to the nurse. "I'll put a call into Narcotics, see what they know. I can reach out to some people who owe me." Spencer suggested and Jay nodded.

"Can we get the CFD paperwork? I wanna see where the paramedic calls are originating from."

Gloria stopped walked and turned to face them both; "I mean sure, but they're coming in front all over the city." She nodded before the ambulance bay doors opened. "Cruz I got another! Narcan is wearing off." A nurse called.

"Push two more narcan. Slow IV push. And get bloods. Send Halstead in, he just got done in 5!"Gloria yelled back before turning to her best friend and his girlfriend.

"I'll put together a detailed list when I can. I got to go." She shrugged before smiling at the two.

The couple thanked Gloria as she ran off to a gurney entering the ED.

"Oh man" Spencer sighed when they saw two crying parents.

"We gotta go." Jay said as he looked up from his phone.


"What do we got?" Spencer asked as her and Jay stepped over the crime tape. "Suspicious package by the lake. Family was setting up for their child's birthday party. Roger and Ashley Baisinski over there. The mother found a backpack covered in what she believed to be blood." Adam briefed the couple who followed him and Lindsay across a beach, putting their sunglasses on.

"She open it?" Jay question and Erin nodded. "She found a surprise."

"All right, split. I'll talk to them, you check out the bag." Spencer patted jays arm before they split.

Spencer and Erin spoke to the parents while Jay and Voight inspected the bag. A scream from a young girl sent them all sprinting in the direction of it. They jumped down off a sand dune, to see a body floating in the water.

Rangers; Jay Halstead (1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن