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"Hey. You snuck out this morning." Spencer said to Jay as she walked into the break room where he was pouring himself a coffee. "Oh yeah... I- I went to the gym kind of early." He shrugged.

"Oh, I would've gone with you." She mentioned and he shook his head. "I needed to clear my head." He told her and she frowned, taking a step closer. "Anything you wanna talk about?"

"No, nothing important." He smiled, placing his hand under her chin and kissing her when there was a knock at the door.

"I thought they were rousting vagrants when this one wandered in." Platt joked as she walked Will into the room. The couple laughed a bit as Trudy left. "What's up, Dr Halstead?" She teased, nudging Will's arm. "Staying out of trouble. You know?" He joked and she smiled, leaving the room.

"So... Abby tracked me down."

"Yeah, I- I probably should've warned you. She called me a few times too." Jay sighed, handing his little brother a coffee. "All right, so you knew she was in a Chicago."

"She's here?" Jay asked, stopping in shock. "Yes. She's here. And she's looking for you." Will told him and Jay sighed.

"Hey Jay, we gotta go." Spencer called, tapping on the doorframe. "Just a second." Jay replied, hands on his hips. "Does- does Spencer know about the two of you?" Will asked and Jay sighed, running his hand over his face. "No. Nothing. I gotta go." He replied, patting his brothers arm before leaving the break room.


"This is sergeant Hank Voight, just tell him what you told us." Jay said as Adam, Erin and Hank walked up to him and Spencer who were with a witness.

"It's the fifth anniversary of my dads death. We used to do the trail together." "Where did you see the girl?" Adam asked.

"Not sure. I lost my bearings Wednesday, saw her Thursday. It's Friday, right? I tried to help her. I went after her, but I tripped."

"Do you have any other details about her?" Jay asked. "She was white, about my age, barefoot. She was bleeding, running from something. It was about 5 miles in when I saw her."

"Thanks. Go ahead Caesar." Voight nodded to the paramedic who took the man away. "All right, so there's a girl lost in the woods, she's barefoot, and it's this cold out? Sounds like the guys hallucinating." Voight shook his head, putting his hands in his pockets. "There's one way to find out. Suit up. Get everyone together from every different jurisdiction in five. Won't be any footprints but maybe we get lucky." Voight told them.

Rangers; Jay Halstead (1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt