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"You care about Lexi," Tiffany said as she grabbed the ingredients.

"I do, she reminds me of myself, albeit I never really seriously thought about betraying Chucky, I wasn't stupid enough to do that, I enjoy my life. But I can't believe how grown all of them are. Jesse is 15 he's the same age that I was when I moved here. Aurthur is still extremely quiet but that's how he is, I can't believe that he's 14 I remember seeing him the first time when he was 11 when we surprised him in the hospital for his birthday. Then there is Amy she's had Chucky for three years now, and she just celebrated her 15th birthday. Then there's Amanda who has had Chucky since she was 8 they seemed to have grown close. With Carter, he still seems a bit on edge but he's 14 he's a hormonal teenager who wants to be alone so it feels like he is starting to resist Chucky. Then there's Lexi she's had Chucky for 3 years, and with both Lexi and Lucy, they both seem to be on the verge of betraying Chucky which would suck as they are still young, they have their whole life ahead of them if they can get past the mental blockage that's holding them back from accepting Chucky" I said as I mixed the ingredients together.

"Does it feel weird watching kids go through the same thing you went through?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah a little and I think a few of them are going to go all the way, and some of them are going to try and betray us," I said.

"I think the next group should be younger," Tiffany said.

"We aren't going younger than 7 Tiffany. I feel like that is too young, especially if they try to tell people. You know as well as I do that is a sure way that Chucky will kill them like Maria, she was 10 when she told her best friend about Chucky, and he killed them both to keep the secret" I said.

"I was thinking we should try to stick with 7-10," Tiffany said.

"We'll see, we still need to vet all the people to see who are easy targets," I said as we started to roll the meatballs and place them on a tray.

"Yes, I know," Tiffany said.

"Is it weird having so many Chuckys under the same roof?" I asked.

"Not really, I mostly stick with Chucky as he is a real human," Tiffany said.

We put the meatballs in with a lid and went back to the living room. "What are you guys talking about?" I asked. As I sat on the floor while Tiffany sat in the chair, sometimes I missed being a teenager, but I am also glad that I don't have to take Chucky everywhere with me.

"We were just discussing when we should move in on Jake," Charles said. Glenda stood up and left the room.

"Leave Jake to me, he's mine," I said.

"Maya," Chucky said, warning me.

"What I called dibs, and everyone here agreed to that," I said.

"Maya that's enough," Chucky said.

"It's true," I mumbled.

"That is enough, on your knees now" Chucky snapped, "I put up with enough of your backtalk."

I felt a weird cocktail of emotions, I was scared, anxious, but the weirdest is that I was happy. I got on my knees keeping my head down. "Is this necessary dad?" Glenda asked as she walked in, seeing the scene in front of her.

"Yes, she's been extra brave and has been let off the loose for a while. Today she talked back after I warned her, she needs to remember her lesson," Chucky said, then I heard the door close. I guess Glenda just left.

"Is he going to kill her?" Carter asked.

"If he does, I'm not watching," Lucy said.

"I don't think he'll kill her, it looks like this has happened before," Jesse said.

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