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I woke up at 3, my body was sore as I got out of bed. I put on new clothes before heading downstairs to the living room. I grabbed my computer and went to the kitchen. I sat at the table and turned on my computer, I put on a special virus protector and logged into an illegal website to get a contractor for the basement. I sent a message to three different contractors within New Jersey who have specialised in this type of room. I got some plain paper and a pencil and drew up five different ideas that they'll be able to pick through. Glenda came down and saw me at the table, "hey what are you working on?" Glenda asked as she came over.

"Just working on the floor plan for the basement, I sent off messages to three different contractors to see if any of them are willing to do it," I said.

"How are you feeling?" Glenda asked.

"Sore, but I'll live," I said.

"So will you tell me what you hid from dad?" Glenda asked.

"I'm not hiding anything," I said, and signed "Don't say anything like that, Chucky could overhear."

"Okay, fair point but tell me" Glenda signed, I closed the computer and we went to the living room and sat on the couch.

"I may have told Jake that we bought a house and which house, also that if he told Rachel then it would get back to Chucky and I didn't want that to happen so I made him promise not to tell her," I signed.

"Maya, that's a dangerous thing to tell him, he's smart and if he's smart enough to find out that the camera is on her glasses then we're screwed" Glenda signed. She playfully hit my shoulder and I laughed.

"I told him I couldn't say why it would get back" I signed, "and I may have said that we could pay off the judge and jury to let me go."

"No wonder you made the deal with Jake" Glenda signed.

"Yeah, I also may have told him that I would break the deal with Chucky to kill Rachel if he told her" I signed.

"Maya, you have to be careful," Glenda said.

"And I am, he cares too much about her to risk her life, especially when I know that he would try to protect her. Last night just proved my point. He didn't tell her a thing about our little deal other than the fact that it was on her life and that Chucky knew I didn't say everything" I signed, Glenda laughed causing me to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" CChucky asked.

"Nothing," I said.

"Then what were those hand signals you were doing?" CChucky asked.

"We were talking to each other," I said.

"What were you talking about?" CChucky asked as he got up on the chair.

"Should we tell him?" I signed to Glenda.

"No, we can say that it was about our date yesterday" Glenda signed back.

"You say it then" I signed "that way I can't be held responsible for not telling the truth."

"We were actually talking about our date and a game of cat and mouse we played," Glenda said.

"Is this true Maya?" CChucky asked me, "don't bother lying."

"Yup, it's one of our favourite games," I said with a smile. Glenda pulled me into her lap "she was trying to cheer me up which worked" I said as Glenda started to nibble on my neck. I bit my lip to stop any sound from exiting my mouth which just made her work harder to get me to make a sound.

"Well, I'm going back to bed. Keep it down" CChucky said and left the living room.

"Was that necessary?" I moaned out as I moved my neck to the side allowing her more access.

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