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When school was over, I grabbed Chucky and my bag and left, Tiffany pulled in so I got in the car, and I put Chucky in the middle. "What happened?" Tiffany asked as she started driving.

"I made a deal with Chucky," I said.

"What was it?" Tiffany asked.

"To allow her to show an audio clip of her calling us psychopaths," Chucky said.

"Was it worth it?" Tiffany asked.

"Oh, 100%," I said, "but everyone's been looking at me weird, I'm surprised no one said anything."

"They were probably shocked, just wait until Monday," Chucky said.

Tiffany pulled into our parking lot and I got out, I went in, while Tiffany carried Chucky in, as soon as I walked in Glenda was there. "What happened?" Glenda asked as she saw my face.

"I'm fine," I said as I cupped her face.

"You sure?" Glenda asked as we went to the chair.

"Of course," I said with a smile, I was on the floor while she sat in the chair.

"Why are your pants different?" Glenda asked as she started to play with my hair.

"Because there's blood on my jeans," I said.

"Is that why you're limping?" Glenda asked angrily.

"Mi amor, I'm okay, I promise," I said as I looked up at her, I held on to her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Then the kids came in, they put Chucky down and they sat on the floor, "where's Glen?" Glenda asked.

"He's actually in the process of bringing in Carley, she is coming to visit, as her parents are going on a honeymoon," Tiffany said.

"Is Tiff with him?" I asked.

"Yeah, they'll be here in 20 minutes, I was able to get an invite to Charlotte's party for Carley, I think it'll be nice if they become friends, it'll make the transition easier for Charlotte," Tiffany said.

Then my phone started ringing, "I'm sorry I need to get this" I said and stood up and went outside. I picked up the phone.

"Hello Maya, if you can come down to the office we can sign over the property," Michelle said.

"Okay, I'm on my way, give me a few minutes," I said.

"See you soon," Michelle said and hung up.

I headed inside, "hey Glenda can I have the keys to the car, I'm going out for a bit," I said.

"Where are you going?" Glenda asked as she stood up and passed me the keys.

"To buy the house," I said.

"We'll have fun," Glenda said and gave me a kiss. Chucky got off the couch and I bent down and picked him up and I left. I got in and put Chucky in the passenger seat and started driving. I turned on some music to keep it from being quiet. I made my way to the office, it took me only a few minutes to pull in but when I did, I grabbed Chucky and got out, I positioned Chucky and headed inside I went to the receptionist.

"Hey, I'm here to see Michelle Cross and Lindsey King," I said.

She typed into her computer, "Maya Ray?" She asked and I nodded. "Second room to the right," she said.

"Thank you," I said and headed to the office. The door was open so I went in and closed the door behind me. "Hello, it's lovely to see you again," I said and shook their hands before I sat down.

"Hello," they said.

"So Maya you're looking at purchasing Mrs. Cross's house?" Lindsey asked.

"That is correct, me and my wife have family visiting and want to be able to host them," I said with a smile.

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