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I headed back downstairs to join the family, I sat next to Glenda, "so what's going on?" Glenda asked.

"She's asleep, she had some questions about the adoption and I answered them," I said.

"What did she ask?" Tiff asked.

"She was just wondering if when the adoption goes through would that make us her parents, and if she would have to call us mom," I said.

"And what did you say?" Tiffany asked.

"I said that legally it would make us her parents and that she can call us whatever makes her comfortable and that we wouldn't force her to call us anything" I answered.

"Okay," Glenda said.

"Shall we see what Rachel is up to?" Charles asked, Glenda, nodded and set the computer up to the tv and then came and sat next to me, Charles controlled the tv putting it on to the cam so we could see what Rachel could see.

"Rachel you don't need to do this" Jake said as they were outside.

"Jake, nothing you say will be able to stop me from going through with this, you can either do it and fight for your life or wait for them to follow through on the threat," Rachel said.

"I just think you're choosing to do something that will have you killed, have you ever taken any form of training?" Jake asked.

"Some, I used to be a bad kid growing up, mixed in with the wrong crowd, believe it or not, I was in a gang until I was 17," Rachel said.

"Some things that you need to consider is there are weapons involved and we don't know what type of weapons but we can assume that it's mostly knives," Jake said.

"What if there is an option for no sharp objects?" Rachel asked.

"We don't pick them, because not only would they not be able to do a killing blow they won't hesitate to go for the kill," Jake said, "if we're lucky we'll both win. But the likelihood of the both of us winning against them is low."

"Have some faith in us Jake, we don't know how good they are" Rachel said.

"I know that Maya is extremely good, and Glenda will also probably be decent. Maya was able to pin me down in 15 seconds with two injured legs" Jake said, "even if only one of us wins I would be happy."

"If you talk like that then we will both certainly lose," Rachel said.

"I'm just saying that this is not smart," Jake said.

"I don't care. I'm not backing down from this fight Jake. Even if I lose, I have nothing to fight for because my family are dead, my husband too, and my brother hates me" Rachel said.

"You don't know that," Jake said, trying to cheer her up.

"Yes I do, after my parents and sister died he sent me a message saying that he hates me," Rachel said.

"One thing to remember is not to let the anger control you in the fight, and if you are paired up with Maya then go for her weakness," Jake said.

"That's not playing fair," Rachel said.

"No offence Rach but with Maya, you can't play fair because you won't win," Jake said.

"Jake, if you say that one more time I'm going to scream," Rachel said, Jake put his hands up.

"Okay sorry, but if you pick who do you plan on picking?" Jake asked.

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