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Before I knew it, it was lunch time so I grabbed my lunch and went to the teachers' lounge. I went in and put my lunch in the microwave, I got a cup of coffee and then went to sit down on the couch. "Hello you must be new, I'm Mr. Finch," he said.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Ray, yes I am today is actually my first day, I'm taking over for Mr. Henry," I said with a smile and shook his hand.

"You look so familiar," Mr. Finch said.

I smiled "I used to go to school here for a little over a week before I moved. My name is Maya" I said.

"Ah yes, Maya Williams, you were in my biology class. You used to carry a doll around" he said.

"Yup that was me," I said.

"It looks like you're not the only kid to carry that doll around so far I've seen 6 kids carry him around," Mr. Finch said.

"Yeah I've had two students in my class have them, Aurthur and Jesse," I said.

"Yeah, they are in my biology class as well. They mostly keep to themselves but Jesse talks to a girl named Amy who also has a doll" he said.

"Maybe they are in some kind of cult," Mrs. Fairchild said, butting into our conversation.

"They're kids, they are allowed to bring their toys to school as long as it's not disruptive to the class," Mr. Finch said.

"There's something weird about the dolls," she said.

"May I ask who you are because I don't believe we ever met," I said.

"My name is Rachel Fairchild," she said.

"Ah yes, you were the one they arrested for the murder of Mcvey. Too bad they haven't found the real killer though wouldn't you say" I said with a slight smirk.

"Yes that was me, it's such a shame they haven't been able to find the real killer," Rachel said. "So Ethan, how is your year going so far?" Rachel asked Mr. Finch.

"It's going good, anyways I gotta be going it was nice seeing you again Maya," Ethan said.

"You too," I said with a smile. He got up and left, leaving only me and Rachel in the room.

"What are you doing here?" Rachel asked.

"Whatever do you mean? The school needed a teacher and I applied" I asked.

"Jake told me about you and your doll," she said.

"My doll? There is no doll here, I sold Terry the other day" I said.

"That wasn't his name," Rachel said.

"Look I don't know what your problem is, but if I were you I wouldn't get caught up with something you know nothing about. I wouldn't trust Jake as far as I could throw him, didn't you hear that he was arrested for the murder of his boyfriend Devon while at work" I said.

"He would never do anything like that," Rachel said.

"How well do you really know him, besides what he told you? He tried to kill me so I wouldn't be surprised if he killed Devon as well. He's dangerous Rachel and I plan to stay as far away from him as possible" I said.

"You know you killed Devon," Rachel said.

"I did not. Did you ever question why the only people that died were people close to Jake, first his abusive father, his bullies Lexy and Oliver, his cousin whom he hated, my boyfriend Junior, Devon. The list goes on and on. I moved after Junior and his uncle's death to save myself from dying yet the deaths here in Hackensack didn't stop until three years after I left" I said. "All the death was getting too much for me, I came back to try and get some closure with my parent's death and to see Junior's grave and the first thing that happens when I get here is I was arrested by Jake yet when Jake got out of prison the deaths started up again. It makes you question who is behind the deaths. I trusted Jake when I met him because Lexy and Devon were able to convince me that he was good but now they are dead and right now Jake and I are the only ones out of the original group still alive" I said.

"How can I trust you?" Rachel asked, sounding sceptical.

"I came here to teach and that's what I plan to do. I don't want any drama between us as we will be co-workers for a while, but I've had a few students tell me that you are making them uncomfortable and if it keeps up I'll have to bring it to the principal" I said.

"Which students?" Rachel asked.

"I can't disclose that information because then they'll feel like they can't trust me, and trust, once it's broken, is hard to gain back. I need to prepare for my next class. It was nice meeting you" I said and stood up.

"It was nice meeting you as well, I'm sorry for going all crazy weird on you. I should've never trusted Jake, a killer doll that goes around killing people sounds crazy" Rachel said with a laugh.

"Yeah it does sound stupid, I hope we can put this all behind us and get along," I said with a smile.

"Yeah I would like that," Rachel said with a smile.

"I'll see you around, I wouldn't blame you if you still talked to Jake but if you could please don't talk about me as we didn't leave on the best terms, and honestly I think he hates me," I said.

"Ya that's fine," Rachel said.

"Thank you," I said and hugged her. I broke away and I waved goodbye as I left, I went to her room and picked the lock to enter. As I was inside, I grabbed the camera and microphone and attached them to her bag, her pen, and her extra pair of glasses. I don't trust what she said. I think she was only telling me what I wanted to hear. I made sure everything was exactly where I found it and left the room, I locked the door and I then went back to my classroom and sat at my desk.

As I was in the room I opened my computer and signed into the cams to see what she was doing, I had to hook them up to my computer before I left as it had to be set up in close proximity. I put my headphones in so I could hear it. As I hooked up I was able to see her classroom from the three angles, where I saw her on the phone, "yes Jake, she's here" I heard faintly. Well glad I did that because she just proved that I can't trust her. "Yes she tried to tell me that Chucky wasn't alive, and to leave the kids alone" I heard louder as she walked towards her desk. "She does have a persuasive personality about her" I smiled at that, I've worked hard on that. "Yes I can get close and play double agent, but she is pretty adamant about Chucky just being a doll" obviously, because I'm not going to tell a random person or really anyone outside of the group about him. "Okay we'll talk later at the café, at 5 as the bell is about to ring," she said and hung up, she walked around the room getting ready for her class. I closed the computer. The bell rang signalling the end of lunch, I started working on getting everything ready for my final class.

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