Epilogue part 2, 1 year later

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I pulled up to Jake's house in Texas, I parked the car as Jake and Devon came out and greeted us. "Hey I'm so glad you could make it," Jake said and hugged me.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss this for the world," I said as I pulled back, Carley got out while I got Annalise and Glenda got Elliot and Anthony. "Hey Devon," I said as he came over.

"Who are these lovely babies?" Devon asked.

"Yes you haven't met any of our kids besides Carley," I said.

"She's grown so much since I last saw her, where has the time gone," Jake said.

"Yeah, these are our sons, Elliot and Anthony, Glenda had them six months ago and our daughter Annalise," I said, introducing our kids to Jake and Devon. I walked to the back of the van and got Jasper "and this is our pup Jasper" I said.

"So do you plan to have any more kids?" Devon asked.

"Nope four is enough, we're done for now, maybe in 30 years we'll have more," I said.

"So you plan to stay young for a while?" Devon asked, as Tiffany, Charles, Chucky, Tiff, and Glen got out of their car.

"Yeah, we want to explore as much of life as we can. We plan to do it at 40 for a couple of years before we decide to grow old" I said.

"Hey Devon, Jake," Tiffany said.

"Jennifer?" Jake asked.

"Yeah sorry about not telling you who I was, but I had to make sure that Maya was safe with the two of you," Tiffany said.

"Okay, so where's your son?" I asked.

"Maliki, come out and meet our friends," Devon said, and a little 4-year-old ran out of the house.

"Hello," Maliki said as he came around shaking everyone's hand, oblivious to the tension between Jake, Devon, and Charles.

"Charles behave you promised to be nice," I said, he grumbled under his breath before stalking off into the streets. I shook my head "I'm sorry about him, he's in one of his moods" I said.

"Seriously?" Chucky snapped, the little boy turned his head to the doll before looking back at his parents.

"Welp, I hope you explained Chucky to him because he's gonna have a lot of questions if not," Glenda said.

"We did," Devon said.

"And yes seriously, the three of you have been grouchy since agreeing to not kill them," I said.

"Mama down" Annalise said, so I put her down and she stumbled around the grass, falling down and picking herself back up.

"How are you not scared she's going to hurt herself?" Jake asked.

"We allow her to explore as she wants, we believe in making mistakes because that's how we learn, and she's careful along with us watching her, she's fine," I said.

"Mama me this eat," Annalise asked, picking up dirt.

"Chiquita put that down," I said, running over and shaking her hand clean. I grabbed her hand and led her back to the group "you hungry chiquita?" I asked.

"Yes mama," Annalise said.

"How about we head inside," Jake said.

"That would be great thanks," Glenda said, Jake led us in while Devon got Maliki, Charles joined us and came inside.

"Please behave all of you," I said, and they nodded.

"Mama me too?" Annalise asked.

"Yes you too chiquita," I said.

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