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I straightened my back before walking out so she could see me, she looked surprised to see me, "what are you doing here?" I hissed.

"No-nothing" Rachel stuttered as I reached her.

I walked around her, causing her to turn around and face me. "How do you know I lived here?" I asked.

"I followed you from the park," Rachel said.

"You are obsessed Jake never should've brought you into this," I said.

"You deserve to rot in hell for what you do," Rachel said.

"So you were going to blow up my house?" I snapped.

"Yes," Rachel said.

"There are children in there including our newest 7-year-old, that I saw Jake talking to. Would you honestly kill children, because of your husband?" I asked.

"Yes, they don't have a life. I'm putting them out of their misery" Rachel said, I hit her face.

"They have a life, they aren't hostages, they will grow up to be amazing kids that their parents taught them to be. Do you know how their parents would feel to find out that their innocent children died because some lady wanted to put them out of their misery?" I snapped, I saw Glenda make her way down with a needle. "What would Jake say? He doesn't believe two wrongs make a right, considering he believes what we do is wrong you would be just as wrong. Do you think he would continue to support you? He dropped me the first chance he could when he found out what I did. What would make you so different?" I asked.

Then Glenda pushed the needle into her neck where she then collapsed to the ground. "How the hell did she find your house?" Charles asked when he came out.

"She followed us from the park," I said, "I'm going to call Jake to come pick her up" I took out my phone and dialled his number.

"Hello," Jake said.

"Hey Jake, it's Maya," I said.

"Why are you calling me?" Jake asked.

"I have something of yours I was wondering if you wanted her back," I said.

"Okay, I'll come get her. Where?" Jake asked.

"Lexy's old house," I said.

"On my way," Jake said and hung up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and waited for Jake to show up "aren't you going to pick her up?" Jesse asked.

"Nope, she just tried to kill you all," I said, "and she isn't even awake right now."

Then Jake pulled his car up "what happened?" Jake asked once he reached us.

"Your friend here almost blew up my home, I wasn't even in it, but something told me that something was wrong and not to go in through the back door so as we were making our way to go in the front we saw her. She was going to kill everyone inside" I said coldly.

"I'm sorry," Jake said.

"If you can't control her then we will," Glenda said.

"That won't be necessary," Jake said.

"It better not be," I said, "but next time we won't be so nice. Consider it lucky that all she got was a slap. She threatened my family."

"And I'm sure she's sorry," Jake said.

"She will be," Charles said.

"You deal with the bomb how you see fit, but if she comes anywhere near my house then she'll be killed on sight and I'll make sure it's slow and painful," Glenda said. Jake nodded as he picked her up and placed her in the front seat of his.

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