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I woke up to Jasper licking my face "Okay Jasper I'm up," I whispered. He jumped off the bed and I stood up and got dressed, I went downstairs and put some food in Jasper's bowl, "Jasper sit" I said, he sat down, "wait" I said putting my hand up and lowered the bowl, when it was getting close to the ground he got up and went towards the bowl I lifted it up. "Sit," I said, he whined but sat down. "Now wait," I said, putting my hand up again and lowering it to the ground. When it was on the ground he looked from the bowl up to me "eat" I said, lowered my hand and he went for the bowl, I smiled, washed my hands, and started making french toast. As I was plating the food Carley came down.

"Hey Mom, what're you making?" Carley asked.

"Good morning munchkin, I made french toast," I said with a smile as I put six plates on the table with a knife and fork along with the syrup.

"It looks good," Carley said as she sat down.

"Thanks, I'm gonna grab Glenda you can dig in," I said, she nodded and started eating. "Jasper come," I said, he left the now empty bowl and joined me, and we made our way up to our room. Glenda was still asleep as I entered her room, Jasper jumped up on the bed onto Glenda she let out a groan, I went over and kissed her until Jasper got between us forcing us to pull back. "Good morning," I said with a small laugh.

"Good morning," Glenda said and petted Jasper.

"Come on breakfast is done, I made french toast and we have the meeting with Meredith," I said, she sat up causing Jasper to jump off the bed.

"Okay, I'll be down in a few minutes," Glenda said, I nodded and gave her a kiss.

I smiled as I left, Jasper ran back downstairs and pawed at the door, I grabbed his leash and hooked him up, and took him out, he smelled around before he peed on a bush and bound back over to me, I pet him before heading back in, I unhooked him and headed to the kitchen, I washed my hands and sat down at the table and started eating. "So are you meeting up with the principal today?" Carley asked.

"We are," Glenda said.

"What's going to happen?" Carley asked.

"We don't know, but we do know it's about the incident from Friday," I said.

"Oh okay," Carley said standing up, putting her plate in the sink, and heading upstairs when three Chuckys came in and sat down at the table and started eating. Glenda and I got up and put our plates in the sink, I grabbed the dog toy and put food in it Glenda headed upstairs while I went to the living room

"Jasper come" I called out, Jasper ran in from upstairs. "In," I said, throwing the toy with food into the crate, he went in and started to chew on the toy, I closed the crate and locked the door. I headed upstairs and went to our bathroom and washed up. I used makeup to create a scar under the scab on my forehead and brushed my hair and teeth.

"You ready for this meeting?" Glenda asked as she put her toothbrush back in the holder.

"Yeah, I think I am, what about you?" I asked.

"I think so as well," Glenda said, she leaned in and gave me a kiss. "I love you Doll," Glenda whispered when she pulled back.

"I love you too," I said with a smile, we headed downstairs where Carley was putting her boots on, I put my boots on when three Chuckys left the kitchen one went to the living room while the other two came over, and we picked them up and left, we got in the car and made our way to the school, Glenda was driving while Carley and both Chuckys were in the back with me in the passenger seat. Glenda took my hand and I gave her a gentle squeeze, she turned her head ever so slightly and gave me a smile and I returned it.

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