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"I'm sorry Chucky. It won't happen again" Lexi cried. As I entered the room I saw Lexi sitting on the ground with Chucky in front of her holding his knife, tears streaming down her face. But it didn't matter what she said as Chucky killed her. Lucy and Amanda started screaming. I went to the and pulled them into my arms to hug them.

"You should've let the kids go to another room," I said as Lucy and Amanda cried in my arms. The other four kids didn't have much of a reaction.

"Didn't think of it" Chucky said as he wiped the blood off of his knife.

"Now we'll need to find you another kid again," Tiffany said.

"What did she do?" I asked.

"She was messaging her friend about a killer that she knew was in Hackensack and to call the police," Chucky said.

"Fuck, I really was hoping that she wouldn't betray you," I said as the two kids calmed down. "How about you two go to the kitchen and grab some cookies? Tiffany will go with you" I said with a smile. They nodded before going with Tiffany to the kitchen. "That's why we don't betray Chucky," I said as I picked her up and placed her by the door. "I'll get rid of the body tonight," I said as I leaned against the wall.

"Can the next one be 5?" Chucky asked.

"You know the youngest we go is 7 Chucky that's because of cases like your last kid. Talia told her parents about you and then you killed them" I said.

"Fine but this time try to make the kid better this time," Chucky said.

"We may already have a kid, she lives here in Hackensack. Her name is Charlotte, she's turning 7 in a few days so you're going to be her birthday present. She is extremely shy and introverted so the perfect person who needs a friend, this time move a little slower. You have to be extra careful because Jake is really wanting to avenge everyone he's lost" I said.

"Okay," Chucky said.

I went over to Glenda and sat on her lap "how was the cemetery?" Glenda asked.

"It was okay, I ended up running into Jake," I said.

"Does he ever quit?" Jesse asked.

"Nope but give it a few days and he won't be able to bother us anymore," I said. Glenda started to play with my hair which felt nice. "So when do you start school?" I asked.

"Tomorrow," Aurthur said.

"Okay," I said as Lucy and Amanda came back in. "Was she able to hit send?" I asked.

"No, she wasn't even able to finish the message as when she typed killer I saw it and intervened," Chucky said.

"That's good, we'll always have the kids that betray us but we also will have the kids that are loyal," I said. "Hopefully the next one is better" I said as I nuzzled my head into her neck.

"Me too, I'm starting to think that there isn't one for me," Chucky said.

"Don't say that, you'll find your person" Jesse said.

"It's getting late, it's time to go back to the hotel," Tiffany said and all the kids stood up and grabbed their Chucky and followed Charles and Tiffany who carried Chucky to the hotel.

"Alone again," Glenda said as I stood up.

"Yup," I said and Glenda stood up.

"Would you like help with her?" Glenda asked.

"Yes please," I said and went to put on some sneakers, once the sneakers were on I grabbed Lexi and we left the house. It was 9 so everyone was in for the night, as the curfew was set for 8 again, I put Lexi in the back seat and got in the driver's seat. Glenda got in and I drove to the forest where I knew no one would be as it's not a hiking forest. I parked the car on the side of the road because it was on the back roads and no one was there. We got out and grabbed the two shovels that Glenda put in the back after we unpacked. I carried Lexi while Glenda took the shovels and we went deep into the forest. After 15 minutes of walking, we stopped and I laid her on the ground and we started to dig a hole. We dug the grave to be about 7 feet deep, 5 feet long, and 1 and 1/2 feet wide. After 5 hours the grave was done and we placed her in, Glenda grabbed a match and lit it before throwing it in the grave. We sat there cuddled on the ground watching Lexi burn. "Why did she have to betray Chucky?" I asked as tears welled up in my eyes.

"I don't know Maya, hopefully, Charlotte will do better," Glenda said.

"I love you," I said with a smile as we watched the fire.

"I love you too," Glenda said. The fire started to burn brighter as it ate away at Lexi's skin, we sat there looking at the fire to make sure that it didn't catch the forest on fire.

"I wonder what her adoptive parents are going to do?" I said.

"No idea, they only had her for two months and they both know about Chucky as they knew mom while she was in her old body," Glenda said.

"Yeah, I'm sure they always knew that it was a risk that she was going to die, but the question is will they leave Hackensack and Chucky or will they want to avenge her," I said.

"I say they'll just leave, I'm sure mom is going to tell them what happened and why it had to happen," Glenda said.

"Yeah you're probably right," I said, then it was quiet again, I enjoyed just sitting in nature with Glenda enjoying the way that the earth feels, and the sounds around us.

Then the fire started to die down so we stood up and placed all the dirt back over the grave smothering the fire. Once the dirt was over her we put leaves over her to hide the fact that the ground had been disturbed and we went back to the car and got in and Glenda drove home.

We pulled into the house and got out and went inside at 3:15. It took us 5 hours to dig the hole and 1 hour for the body to burn, "I'm going to hop in the shower wanna join?" Glenda asked.

"Okay," I said, and we went to the bathroom, we got undressed before getting in the shower. Glenda set it up to be a little hotter than I would but I didn't mind. I grabbed the shampoo and rubbed it into her scalp while the water hit my back, when it was in I moved the shower head to wash the soap out of her hair. "I always love when you wash my hair, it's like a massage and feels nice," Glenda said as I put the shower head back on its hook.

"Thank you, I love it when you do mine as well it always feels nice," I said as Glenda picked up the soap and started to put it in my hair. She rubbed it in and when she was done she let it sit for a few minutes while she gave me a little neck massage.

"You really are tense my love," Glenda said as the water hit my head. I closed my eyes to stop the soap from going in because that shit burns.

"I know I've been extra stressed this week, with everything with Jake and getting arrested but I'm doing better now that I'm back with you" I said as the water was then removed from my head.

"Awe your sweet" Glenda said as she continued to massage me.

"Only for you mi amor" I said, when she started to suckle on my neck inevitably causing me to moan out in pleasure. "We should get out and dry off, it's almost 4. We can continue this in our bed" Glenda said. I nodded agreeing with her so we got out and dried off before heading to our room. 

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