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I woke up at 6:45 to the sunlight entering my room, I let out a groan but got up out of bed. I put on a pair of black leggings and one of Glenda's black sweatshirts and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my hair before I headed downstairs. I went to the kitchen and cooked up some scrambled eggs, ham, and toast for everyone. Around 7:30 I was putting the plates on the bar as I heard people coming downstairs. Glenda and Carley entered the room, Carley was still wearing her pj's while Glenda had on a pair of black jeans and a black crop top. "Good morning," I said as they came in and sat down.

"Good morning," they said at the same time, causing Carley to laugh.

"We'll need to get a table and chairs today," Glenda said.

"Yeah, I know, we can go shopping once Chucky wakes up but we have to be back by 11 so we can get ready for Charlotte," I said.

"I'll go get Chucky so he can come eat," Carley said, jumping off the chair and running upstairs before either of us could stop her.

"She has more guts than I do," I said with a chuckle Glenda nodded her head.

"We are going to have to register her for classes," Glenda said.

"I know, I'm hoping that she's in Charlotte's class," I said.

"We'll make sure that she is," Glenda said when Carley came in with Chucky behind her. He did not look too pleased, but Carley lifted him up onto the chair and then she got up and continued eating. I shook my head but continued eating. When I finished I put my plate in the sink where Glenda then joined me with her plate. "You stole my shirt," Glenda said.

I smiled "I like it, it smells like you," I said and gave her a kiss. Glenda rolled her eyes "you know you love me" I said.

"I do," Glenda said, Carley brought over her plate and placed it in the sink.

"Go get washed up," I said and Carley took off upstairs.

"Surprising, she headed up right away," Glenda said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know, I tried to get her to come down earlier in her clothes and she didn't want to," Glenda said.

"Maybe she likes me more," I teased.

"Oh really?" Glenda said, "then run little mouse." I squealed and took off running, I pushed through the pain and laughed as I ran up the stairs. I ran to our room where Glenda tackled me onto the bed, I turned around in her hold, wrapped my legs around her waist and kissed her.

"I love you," I said when we broke apart, "I don't know what I would do if anything happens to you."

"I love you too, but we have to finish getting ready if we want to be back by 11. We still need to not only get the things for the kitchen but also for the living room and the paint," Glenda said as she got off the bed.

"I hate when you're right," I said and got off the bed, we both went to the washroom where we finished washing up. When we were done, Glenda held my hand and we headed downstairs. "Shoot a message to Tiffany and let her know that we're going out, and that if she wants to come in the key is under the third rock from the door" I said as I put my black heels on. Glenda took out her phone and sent her a message, Carley came down the stairs in a red knee-length dress and black flats.

Chucky came out and Carley picked him up and we left, I locked the door while Glenda got Carley situated, I got in the passenger seat and when Glenda got in we made our way to home depot. It was quiet as Glenda drove, I looked out the window until we pulled into the parking lot and Glenda parked the car. We got out, I held onto Glenda's hand and Carley's and we went inside. The first thing we did was go to the paint wall and pick out new colours for the house, we decided on shades of grey, before heading to furniture and picking out a brown wooden eight-person table with eight black chairs, a grey couch and two grey recliners they were attached with cup holders between the two. We went to get in contact with the manager and just waiting for them to join us.

The Ray Familyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें