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By the end of the day I was beat, I just wanted to go home and sleep, but I was meeting Jake in an hour, I placed Chucky in the passenger seat and made my way to the elementary school, "so I was wondering if I can go out for a few hours later" I said.

"Why?" Chucky asked.

"I just want to spend some time alone, some fresh air will be nice, maybe grab some coffee at the café. I don't know exactly what I plan" I said.

"You know you can't kill anyone," Chucky said.

"And I won't, I just want to go out for a little bit, there's this café near the old theatre that I have actually been wanting to go to," I said.

"What time were you thinking of going out?" Chucky asked.

"I plan to drop you guys off at the house, grab something from my room, and take off, and I don't know how long I plan to be gone," I said.

"Okay," Chucky said, and then it was quiet the rest of the way.

I pulled up to the elementary school and parked and waited for Carley to come out, when she came out she got in, placed Chucky next to her, and buckled up, "how was your day?" I asked as I started driving.

"It was okay, Charlotte barely looked at me," Carley said.

"I'm sorry munchkin, she'll come around, we just have to be patient," I said.

"I know, I just feel bad," Carley said.

"It'll be okay," I said, with that it was quiet, I turned on the music I had on music from now, and Chucky reached over to put it on music from forty years ago. I rolled my eyes but didn't do anything to stop him.

"What kind of music is this?" Carley asked, her face screwing up, I let out a laugh.

"Chucky doesn't like any of the music after the 80's so I had to burn off a cd with a bunch of 70s and 80s music," I said.

"Burn CDs?" Carley asked.

"It's when you get a blank cd with nothing on it and put something on it, in this case, music but you can put movies as well, too bad none of the computers do it anymore," I said.

"Oh," Carley said, and then it was quiet again.

I pulled up to our house, I parked the car, grabbed Chucky and we headed inside, once the door was closed I put Chucky down "hey how was work?" Glenda asked after giving me a kiss.

"It was good, Jake and Rachel questioned the new cuts but I kinda expected them to and they want to have no restraints during the fight," I said as I made my way up to our room.

"Oh, okay," Glenda said. I got my small chest from under the bed and unlocked it with the key around my neck. "What are you doing?" Glenda asked.

"I'm meeting up with Jake and probably about to do something incredibly stupid" I whispered.

"What are you doing Maya?" Glenda asked.

"Close the door" I signed, she nodded and closed the door, I put my phone near the door and started playing some music.

"Now tell me," Glenda said.

"So Jake and I are meeting up so we can talk, but since I can't kill anyone I need this to put someone to sleep for my meeting with Jake, Chucky doesn't know that I am meeting up with him and would probably freak if he knew," I said.

"We have a lot to discuss tonight," Glenda said.

"Okay, I love you," I said, putting the needle in my shoe and heading over to her.

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