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"What do you mean," Jake said as he put me in the back of his car. I didn't say anything, choosing to keep quiet as Jake panicked.

He drove us to the station. "I have to use the washroom," I said.

"You can hold it," Jake snapped.

"Fine it's your car," I said with a smirk as Jake turned on a signal light and pulled into a gas station. He opened the door and got me out and brought me inside to the washroom. He unhooked the cuffs allowing me to go inside to use the washroom. Once inside I took the blade out of my boot and placed it in the grate behind the toilet before sending a quick text to Glenda 'it's in green stop the bathroom behind grate time to destroy. I love you' I hit send before taking the SIM card out and flushing the card down the toilet and submerging the phone in water until it shut off frying the battery before smashing it against the wall causing Jake to open the door.

"What have you done Maya," Jake asked.

"Nothing I wasn't allowed to do, it's my phone I didn't want it anymore," I said and laughed as he cuffed me again.

"How many of the murders are you trying to put on me?" I asked as he brought me to the car again.

"Devon's, Junior's, Lexy's, Logan's, Leah's, Sam's, and Karen's" Jake said as he started to drive off.

"I have alibis for most of those murders Jake and I didn't kill any of them," I said.

"We'll see what the judge says," Jake said.

"Which one, is it, Judge Thompson or Judge Lennon, oh or maybe Judge Carter" I taunted. "You must've forgotten that I do my research with everything Jake," I said as his phone rang. He picked it up. I zoned out as we were driving until Jake pulled over tears streaming down his face. I laughed "what happened to Kevin Jake?" I taunted.

"How the hell did it happen so fast?" Jake asked, looking at me in the mirror.

"Chucky he's everywhere Jake you seem to have forgotten that, there was one a few minutes away so as soon as you were far enough he got to see and hear what you did as a teenager. Don't worry the fun is just beginning. Good luck with getting me arrested for good" I said as he started driving again. We ignored each other the rest of the drive until he pulled into the station where he led me through the metal detector, I saw the look of shock flash through his face before he composed himself and brought me into an interrogation room. He unhooked my hands before hooking them to a metal pole that went across the table. Then he left and I was alone.

I let the tears fall down my face as someone came in. I looked up and there stood Rosalie "Maya?" she asked, shocked.

"Hey Detective," I said.

"Actually it's Lieutenant now," Rosalie said.

"Congratulations," I said with a smile.

"I'm surprised to see you what happened?" she asked.

"Apparently Jake Wheeler is trying to pin the deaths from five years ago on me. The one he arrested me for was the murder of my therapist Dr. Karen Norris" I said my voice breaking.

"Why does he think you did it?" she asked.

"I have no idea, he's hated me since finding out I was hanging out with his late cousin Junior whom he hated," I said, "he transferred his hate for Junior onto me."

"This is a mistake, let me uncuff you," Rosalie said as she brought out a key when Jake burst into the room.

"She did it she told me she did it" Jake screamed.

"No, I said that I called her a few days prior as I had to talk about some trauma that I was going through with Jake. My alibi checked out, didn't it Rosalie" I said.

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