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I woke up at 5, I untangled myself from Glenda and got out of bed, I grabbed some clothes for the day, a pair of black jeans and a green button-up shirt, I went to the bathroom and washed up. When I was done I went to the living room and turned the tv on and went to the news to see if anything interesting was being reported. 

"There are talks of putting the curfew back in place if the number of deaths keeps increasing. Last night twenty-one bodies were found and now the police are starting to think that it is gang-related or multiple people because one person can not cause this much damage. The scary thing is that there seems to be no motive in sex, race, age, looks, which makes it hard for the police to track down who the killer is. Some of the victims from last night's attack were Melissa Venice age 23, Valentina Mercedes age 36, Evie O'hera age 19, Marcus Brake age 27, Malcolm Payne age 21, Cynthia Crane age 26, Brandon Crane age 29, Felix Crane age 32, Lexi Smith age 12" the news reporter said.

I shut it off as I was surprised that they found Lexi so quickly, especially because we buried her pretty deep, deeper than a normal grave would be. Glenda came out of the bedroom, "what's wrong?" Glenda asked when she saw the look on my face.

"They found Lexi's body," I said as I stood up from the couch. "I just hope that any of our DNA that was on the body burned off," I said as I walked over to her.

"I say it would and if not then we can just reply with that she was over at our house that day before she walked back to the hotel," Glenda said as she kissed me to calm me down.

"Ok sounds good," I said when we pulled apart.

"So how many people did they find last night slash today?" Glenda asked.

"twenty-one people," I said.

"Okay," Glenda said as we sat on the couch.

"Would you like to watch a movie?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, but mom is going to be here in 30 minutes to pick you up," Glenda said.

"Okay, then how about we continue on with Lucifer instead?" I suggested.

"Sounds good, it's an interesting concept, with the devil being human and falling in love with a human," Glenda said.

"Don't forget his daughter Lillian," I said.

"Yeah it's extremely weird," Glenda said. I turned the tv on and continued watching Lucifer as the last episode we only got halfway through before we were interrupted by Chucky and Tiff.

When the end credits started there was a knock on the door, so Glenda stood up and went and opened the door, Tiffany came in. "Ready to go?" Tiffany asked.

"Yup," I said standing up I put my sneakers on, "don't watch anymore of the show without me, there are only two episodes left until the season finale and I want to watch season eight with you because last time you finished season seven without me," I said and gave her a kiss.

"Bye, see you later Maya, I love you," Glenda said.

"I love you too," I said, and Tiffany and I left the house. We got in her car and she drove me to the school. "Have either of you found a new body yet?" I asked.

"Not yet. We're still looking" Tiffany replied.

"Okay. It's almost time for Chucky to be delivered" I said.

"Yup I'm bringing him over at 12 as Charlotte will be in school and her mother can wrap him for when she gets home," Tiffany said.

"Chucky is going to hate being still for 3 hours and having his movement restricted for a week," I said.

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