Chapter 45

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Someone's POV


"These people are dumb to trust you." Hacker spoke after he calmly entered Captan's office. He even looked around like a normal guest.

Hacker's target, Captan Aryen Aragao, the senior and superior in their family. The family of psychopaths.

Captan already knew that someone's watching him. He now stared at the young man casually standing right in the middle of his office. He didn't let his guard down the minute the young man entered the room. He sees the young man as a dominant opponent, which is true.

"It's rude to enter without knocking," Captan spoke while remain sitting on his swivel chair.

Hacker looked at Captan straight in the eyes.

"It's not rude if you're expecting the visitor, which is me," Hacker smirked.

Captan went silent for a minute, weighting the tension surrounding them. The office is like slowly shaking, the walls turned bloody red, but Hacker didn't flinch.

"It was you, right?" Captan's forehead creased when Hacker asked a question.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he shook his head.

While Captan was preoccupied to the tension between them, Hacker walked closer to him and sat on one of the chair infront of him.

"Before I do anything, I will gather some information from you first." Captan slammed one hand on his desk, almost breaking it apart.

"Don't play with me young man, I'm not fond of games," Captan threatened him.

The old Aragao had enough of this man. He knows Hacker came to the party without an invitation letter from him, it's obvious he's an intruder. While Hacker is busy watching Captan, Captan is also busy observing his move by the help of his guards.

Hacker cross his arms and rested his back.

"I don't know what you want, but I'll be running if I were you, because you're inside my territory." Hacker saw Captan's hands wrinkled and how his nails sharpened.

Captan tried to go for Hacker's neck, but Hacker immediately jumped avoiding his dangerous claws.

"This is literally the meaning of "hands of death", no wonder the late leader doesn't stand a chance," Hacker spoke not minding Captan's berserk.

"Who are you talking about?" Hacker chuckled seeing how innocent Captan is when he asked who.

"Don't let me detail what I know. Just answer me, you're the one who killed the late leader of this nation." Captan gritted his teeth, realizing his accusation.

"You know too much," he walk around Hacker, showing his authority but the later just yawned.

"I do, almost everything," Hacker arrogantly said.

"How boastful of you young man." Hacker dodged another attack that came from Captan.

They started to fight using their bare hands. Hacker doesn't usually show his skills in combat, but this is a special occasion. He's fighting against the strongest and biggest fish in the family. Captan may be old but he's strenght still remains. Too bad Hacker is more skilled than him.

Hacker caught his hand which was choking him. He was pulled and pinned to the ground, Hacker even broke his arm that cause him pain. It was easy since he was old.

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