Chapter 1: Revolution

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Blood. There is blood everywhere.

My parents' room was attacked first. My dad woke up with the sound of wolves entering the house. Startled, as soon as he could figure out what was happening, it was almost too late.

They worked very fast and very organized. My dad managed to wake up my mom and told her to protect Lilly, my sister who's sleeping next door. She barricaded herself inside Lilly's room, while my dad barely had time to sound the alarm.

He was attacked by 3 large werewolves as he didn't have enough time to shift into one himself.

He fought like hell, my dad. He really did. But they were too many. Even after he took out 2 of them, he got blindsided by another one who went straight for the jugular. Game over.

My mom and sister trembled inside the room. Mom told my sister to be brave as she had to shift to protect her, which she did. She guarded my little sister with her life, fought 'til the very end.

By the time the pack warriors came to our house, my mom was being overrun by 4 wolves attacking her almost simultaneously. But she did put up a good fight.

My sister, on the other hand, was only 6 at the time and didn't know what hit her. At least, that's my hope. I didn't actually see the attack, otherwise I wouldn't be alive either.

I was only 10 at the time. As fate intervened, my cousin had invited me to his house to play games and I stayed overnight with him, like I did so many times before. My parents didn't even bat an eye at it.

Later we would learn that it was a coordinated strike to take out the Alpha family and destabilize the chain of command of our pack. They also attacked the pack house where the Beta family lived, at the same time they did ours. Except the pack house is lodge to over 20 warriors, not including the Beta.

By the time they managed to break in, most of the men were already alerted by the noise and were able to defend themselves properly. Not like my father who didn't even get a chance to shift before the attack.

Not much longer after he sounded the alarm, 70 trained warriors reached our place and killed whoever was still there. It didn't take long for them to get to the pack house and help the residents fight off the remaining ones. There were almost 30 wolves killed that night, not counting my family.

When people first started hearing about the attack throughout the city, everyone thought the whole Alpha family was killed. It took some courage for someone to even enter our house. The scene was so gruesome, even by werewolf standards.

Of course, no one allowed ME to see it. My aunt and uncle sat me down the next day and had the ungrateful task of letting me know that my entire family had been massacred.

After the funeral, which was witnessed by all of the town population - not to mention our allies who came to pay their respects to the fallen Alpha, my uncle decided it was too dangerous for me to stay here, even though this is the only home I've ever known. He feared someone would show up to finish the job once word got out that I'd survived.

Unfortunately, 10 year old boys don't get a vote. But my cousin did protest as well. He's almost like a brother to me and now his parents are the only ones I got. So, they packed up everything and we left town.

It actually wasn't that difficult for us to get settled somewhere else. There are werewolves everywhere. And because of the secrecy we have to maintain, we're actually a tight community. Plus, there were plenty of families willing to help out the future Alpha of the Stonehold pack, the largest werewolf pack in the country.

The Orphan's Mate (Werewolf Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz