The fire continued to crackle and burn. Sparks popped in the dark skylight highlighting the eyes sitting around the flames as they looked between each other without a word, holding a conversation with pure eyesight.

"I wouldn't be opposed to that, except, the green-haired servant Mash and I ran into has been there. I remember Bahamut saying so before we fought. If he gets inside..." Gudako trailed off. Her sight turned far into the distance staring away absentmindedly with a hand to her chest.

"It'll be fine, Fujumaru." Merlin insisted assuredly, "What Bahamut has conjured at the moment is a simple mirage spell; however, with a few tweaks, he can make the outside appear the same while vastly modifying its interior appearance."

"Should they show up, we'll have homecourt advantage. With an army of ten plus servants, handling him shouldn't prove difficult. It's the best path forward right now."

"R-Right! It's just as Merlin agrees. Besides, you don't mind, right, Bahamut?" Ishtar gave a scornful laugh, beaming down at me with a dark smile that didn't come remotely close to reaching her eyes.


I should've clamped down harder when I had the chance.


Thinking back on it, I can't recall Ishtar ever being that upset since we've met.

Clumps of velvety soil fell and returned to the earth as my hand fell to my side finished.

My attention kept focused on the twelve unique islands, a varying theme for each one at the servants' and Gudako's behest.

The moon was hiding behind the clouds removing the only visible light source. It was late; not even a shadow would stand out amongst the gloomy blackness as I flew over the hovering pieces of land.

Has everyone turned in for the night? I'm curious about Ishtar's behavior. And... that other girl.

My face was punched by high-velocity winds while venturing through the illusion.

The Japanese-themed island inhabited by Shiki, Tomoe, Ushiwakamaru, Okita, the Chinese by Nezha, or the Roman and Greek by Nero and Atalanta- none graced Ishtar's presence in their welcoming grassy fields.

My nose twitched with a tingle. Scents mingled with the four winds from the corners of the earth invading through my nose, alerting my senses.

"This smells like...," Northeast. My adventure led me somewhere familiar I hadn't been in a long while.

The natural reflective blue sparkle glittering during daytime was silent, but the great guardian behind it stood tall ready to shine life on the area.

"The pier," I muttered, amazed. "I wonder if Meltryllis is still here."

I circled to the lighthouse's left side and there was Ishtar~ the other girl from before, sitting with her back to everything, peering at the sea as her shiny blond hair dazzled magically under the enchanting night sky.

It was like watching a kid. She blindly kicked her feet along in time with her calm humming echoing and rippling off the water. Even as I partook in the melody and took place alongside her, her rosy eyes remained closed until the end.

"I wasn't expecting company tonight or any night, honestly. Who would've guessed? Witnessing a sight like this for the first time and singing my first-ever duet the same night. I must be lucky."

She gave a modest smile behind those words as she took me in. Our gazes lingered on the other. Like all time had frozen still, we fully took in every detail of one another, acknowledging the person before us.

Souls Of The Fateless (FGO x God's Wrath OC Series Story)Where stories live. Discover now