Typical Ending

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Time-skip  2 years (Naruto: The Last)
Everyone's age:

Naruto and the others: (19–20)
Neji: 20
Hinata: 19
Hanabi: 14–15
Y/n: 12–13
Konan: 37
[before Naruto and Hinata's wedding]
Y/n's Pov

I Kicked my feet back and forth as I sat on a bench next to Hanabi.

"I can't believe  elder sister is getting married to that blonde, idiotic, annoying, whiskered face brat named Naruto." I huffed.

How come I wasn't aware that she had a crush on him??

Hanabi laughed. "Oh come on! He's a great guy. And as long as Hinata is happy then I'm happy."

I rolled my eyes. Should've killed him when I had the chance. Now he's way too strong for me.

"Yawn. Where's my happy ending? Does it look like I care about other peoples's happiness? And no I'm not upset because Sasori isn't here now I'm jealous of of Hinata being happy while I'm busy sulking." I crossed my arms after hearing Hanabi burst out laughing.

"The wedding doesn't start until a few hours so we have enough time." She said as she stopped laughing."

"I know. Konan and I already planned out our gifts and an outfit to wear." I sighed.

As long as I get that bouquet of flowers then I'm good..

{End of Pov}











Y/n and some other girls were chosen to be the flower girls. Y/n wore her (F/F) dress with little flower designs on it. To top it off, she also wore a paper flower in her hair to match the outfit with some matching color flats.
Her hair grew very long so she put it in a back low-ponytail.

She jogged down the isle throwing beautiful flowers on the ground as the music began playing. Not too far behind, Hinata came walking down in her wedding outfit. she was absolutely breathtaking in it.
After finishing throwing flowers, she returned to her seat in the front row where the rest of the hyūga family, and Konan, were.

Y/n smiled as she watched Hinata walk on stage where Naruto was.
When they gave out their vows and were about to finish it off with a kiss, Naruto was hit in the back of the head with a shoe.

Naruto yelped in pain. "Ouch! Who threw that!" He deadpanned and rubbed his head.

"Sorry! Bad habit!" Y/n yelled out. Everyone else laughed. So did Hinata and Naruto.

Welp, looks like it was a happy ending for everyone after all..

"Can I get my shoe back now?"

The End.

You have now reached the end of the book. Thank you for reading 'The Young Hyūga'. Perhaps sometime in the future, I can rewrite this story to make it better but as of now, I'm glad this book is over because I was so close to discontinuing it. But I didn't- so this book has gotten a happy ending! Not the type of ending I was expecting..but it got one.

I currently don't know what story I should create now but I hope it will be interesting.. such as another Naruto book or a book about a different anime.

Eh, who knows.

But yeah, thanks for reading and have a good day/night!


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