Start from the beginning

He'd reached into his boxers and began to fondle himself, sighing involuntarily.

"Stroke yourself."

Oh, God.

He was really going to listen to all of this. Alexander knew this and went ahead with it anyway, fingers stroking slowly at first, gradually picking up the pace. He moaned, lips parting.


And he did, hand working faster until another moan left his lips.

"I hope you understand now..."

Understood what? He was a little more than just preoccupied with the task at hand.

"The position that you're in. Alexander, I can't hear you."

He'd been biting his lip, but when he said his name like that, another moan had left his lips, hand working furiously. His breaths were already coming short.

"You have no idea what I'd do to you. The way I'd take you."


"I'll show you."


Alexander felt like he was being devoured.

"I-I can't breathe-"

"You...Just how much did I lose my sense going after you. Alexander, Faster!"


"I want to fuck you so hard your limbs will go numb."


"I want to fuck your brains out and fill you up till you're dripping with my cum."

"Oh, God-ah-"

"My whole body is on fire, Alexander, there is this uncontrollable desire to make a mess of you."


Matthew's low voice, tickling into his ears, felt like poison and yet he couldn't spit him out, he wanted more... more.

This thirst.

His throat was burning.



All he could think of were Matthew's hands on me, him between his legs, his mouth on his-

"I'm gonna' cum-" he barely managed.

"Come for me."

"Fuck--" Alexander could feel the warmth that spread over his hand, his hips rolling forward. Fuck... what had he just done...?

He was still dazed, catching his breath when he heard a quiet chuckle filter over the line. "Sleep. I'll pick you up tomorrow afternoon."

Did he say Afternoon?

"Why Afternoon?"

Whatever he said after that was enough, apparently. A moment later the line went dead. Alexander shut his eyes, trying to comprehend what he'd just allowed himself to do. He was waltzing right into his trap, and worse, he hadn't even needed to convince him. He must have had a soft spot somewhere in his skull with the name Matthew tagged to it, but he didn't have the energy to search for it.

He was drained.

Faint even.

Like when he had shared his essence with Tide for strength.

What does it mean?

This was Matthew and he had done most of the work yet why does it feel like his strength has just been sucked out of him?

And in the afternoon?

Was he supposed to get into work by afternoon?

He said he would pick him up.

Does it mean he would have to sit and wait until he arrives to pick him up?

No matter, they do have unfinished business, anyway. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow, though, some clearer lines would fall into place. He refused to let himself fall for his antics again. He realized that up until then, he'd been springing to act on every little order he'd given him. He could refuse him. Absolutely. Falcon was in for a surprise today.


Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now