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The Revelation


The magnificent light burst through the window, signaling the fresh new morning day. I was awakened by a soft kiss on my forehead as my husband wrapped his warm, muscular arm around me. It wasn't a dream, I thought as the man of my dreams warmed my inner cortex with the touch of his hands and kiss of his lips. We stayed in bed all morning exploring each and every passionate point of one another.

It was now noon and room service arrived with our brunch. Ezra quickly grabbed his monogrammed bathrobe and met the waiter at the door, as I rushed to the shower to wash off the morning love.

The room filled up with the savory aroma of maple and bacon. No soon after I turned on the water, I heard the door close. I knew Ezra was about to join me and my brunch will have to be eaten cold.

We sat outside on the balcony deck looking at the ocean blue, we could see the dolphins swimming and jumping around too. It was the most beautiful sight to see but no soon I remembered why we were at the Islands.

"We must go see Dr. Nelson," I said to Ezra while he was massaging my foot.

"I think we should go today," he said.

"Let's just get it over with so we can enjoy the rest of our honeymoon," he said.

I contemplated if I wanted to pursue my theory anymore at all. I was finally free of David and Kenya and all those people who plagued my life.

After going back and forth in my mind and with Ezra, we finally decided to go visit the doctor to get what Ezra said was much needed closure. We found a taxi that would take us to his house after asking several people for a ride. We drove for nearly a half hour mostly off road, I started to feel a little frightened. We finally arrived to his house or what looked like could be his house. "Ummm... Are you sure this is the right house?" I asked the driver.

"Yes, go down that road there," he said in his heavy island accent as he pointed down a dirt-filled, rocky path full of trees and only God knows what else.

"Will you wait here for us?" Ezra asked.

"You pay more money now, I wait," he said.

"Honey, just pay the man," I said as I grabbed my backpack and started to head down the path. We walked down the long narrow path and arrived at an old wood cabin home surrounded by old broken cars and tires scattered about.

Dr. Gene opened the door looking completely different from when I saw him last. His hair was now a rusty red and a full beard covered his face.

"Dr. Gene?" I asked as this bohemian looking man stood in front of me, who could very well be someone else.

"Mrs. Blake, how did you get here?" He skeptically asked.

"Well Marlene, your assistant, gave me your forwarding address, and my husband and I got married here so I decided to look you up," I said.

"Your husband?" he asked as he shook Ezra's hand. "Nice to meet you." "Come in".

We walked into the cold cabin that looked like the family home from the old TV show "Little House on the Prairie" lived there last.

"I don't have anything to offer you to drink besides beer and water. My wife went out to get some groceries, sorry you guys just missed her," he said.

"I didn't know you were married," I said.

"Yeah, going on a year now," he said.

"Well congratulation, that's great. After your wife and daughter died, I remember you telling me how hard it was for you to date again. I'm really happy for you," I said.

"Likewise," he suggested as he tapped Ezra on the shoulder and walked into his small kitchen covered in mix match wallpaper. He sat a stained glass of warm water in front of me as I looked at Ezra to employ his help.

"Well, another reason we decided to stop by is because of Kenya, my wife's sister," Ezra said as he removed the glass from my hand and sat down the cup of whatever bacteria he called water down on the old stained wooden table.

I noticed when Ezra mentioned Kenya, Dr. Gene shifted in his seat. "What about her brought you here?"

"Well," I said, "my husband just got Kenya off for killing David, my ex-husband," I said trying to explain.

"Did you now," he said as he shifted again in his seat.

I pulled the picture of the bloody coin out of my backpack and placed it on the table. "I know since you are considered an expert in rare coins, this photo came up during the trial," I said.

He picked up the picture to exam it and crossed his legs.

"What am I looking at?"

"It's a coin that was discovered during David's autopsy. It was lodged in his throat somehow," Ezra said.

"That's horrible," he said as he sat the picture down.

"As you can see, it's a very rare coin, similar to the coins you had in your office," I said.

"The coins I had in my office," he said as if he hadn't remembered his precious coins he nearly fired Marlene over.

"Yeah, these coins," I said as I sat the picture of him, David, and I in his office on the last day of our marital session.

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