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The mystery woman



The rain began to fall heavy as we pulled out of the garage. Still very angry with my dad, I became a little curious about Danielle. My dad never mentioned her to me before, she just may be the one, I thought.

"Dad, so you two were high school sweethearts?"

"Yes, we were...what are you getting at, Sky?"


"Well what," he asked.

"Well, how is it that I never heard of her before now?"

"That's because I never told you about her," he said.

"Dad," I said in my whining voice.

"Listen, it's not much to tell. We dated my senior year in high school into college and we broke up during my sophomore year of college, end of story."

"Hold up, so when did you meet my mom? Is she why yawl broke up? Ooh, daddy, you broke her heart," I said.

"No, she actually broke mine," he said.

"That's enough Sky, we have to talk about your behavior toward Vanessa."

"Why, daddy? I already, apologized."

"Did you really, because she said you didn't and I am inclined to believe her."

"I sent her an email, with my apology, I promise," I said.

I actually sent two emails: one with a fake apology, to go with her fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake breast and nose and everything else. She was just fake, I absolutely hated her and I hated my dad for wanting to marry her. If I'm lucky, she would open the second one first and her whole system will crash, which will save me from apologizing twice. She would never be my mother. In fact, I planned to find my mother myself and get her and my dad back together. Now that I met someone he went to school with, it will be easy to find my mom, I thought as daddy got chewed out by a pissed off Vanessa. My dad said he's was sorry maybe ten times; I plugged my ears up and turned my music all the way up to avoid hearing him grovel.

The rain continued to fall down, sounding like miniature pebbles beating against the window. I could feel the steam coming from my left side as daddy hung up the phone with Vanessa, the hot Messa. Before he could utter one word, I said, "I'll fix it."

"You sure will, and you will do more than that young lady."

I had never seen my dad so upset. I pulled pranks like this all the time I thought. What made this time any different?

We pulled up to my grandma's and I hopped out of the car, when I saw Vanessa's car pull up. I rushed into my grandmother's room where she was resting. I sat beside her while she lay helplessly in bed, with all sorts of monitors and cords around her. Each day she seemed to get worse and worse. She hadn't talked much lately, so I just came over and told her stories. Before she got sick, she made me a promise: she said that she would help me find my mom. So telling her about Danielle was boiling over on the inside of me.

"How is she?" I asked Nurse Tyler.

"She's a fighter," he said. She seemed okay today.

"I'm sure one of your stories will excite her," he said, "but not too much."

"Okay," I said.

I leaned forward and grabbed her hand, with my dad and Vanessa peeking their heads in the door. My dad signaled for me to come in the hallway. "I'll be back," I said to my bedridden grandma. "Yes daddy," I said as I tried to contain my laughter looking at Vanessa standing there, tapping her foot with her arms folded, staring deathly at me.

I stood in silence trying to find the right thing to say. The thought of apologizing to her made me ill. "Vanessa, I am so sorry for what I did," I said. "I meant it as a prank; I must've entered in a wrong code. I never meant to crash your whole operation system. I promise I will fix it."

"You sure will," she said, not buying my apology one bit. But it wasn't for her anyway, it was for my dad, and he ate it up like he was chomping down on a beef wellington.

"See, I told you baby," he said as he kissed her on her very tightly-filled face. I smirked to let her know it isn't over. "Daddy, can I go now?" I asked, sounding devilishly innocent.

I told my grandma all about what I did to Vanessa. It was hard to tell but I think she smiled. Nurse Tyler sure got a kick out of it. "You're a naughty little lady Sky," said Nurse Tyler. "I know, I'll fix it tomorrow...funny thing is, her IT guy couldn't even do it." We both laughed and laughed. "Do you really think she can hear me?" I asked the nurse. "Yes, see this chart right here?" Nurse Tyler pointed to a chart with all these lines. "Well, this machine is monitoring her brain waves. When you come by and talk to her telling her your stories, these lines move up and down a lot." I was very happy to learn that. My dad didn't think it mattered much, but we were all she had and she was the only mother I ever knew.

I told her about Danielle and how daddy got all flustered when he saw her. "I think she can help me find my mother," I said. Her monitor started beeping more and louder. I called for Nurse Tyler to check her. I had never heard her monitors beep like that before. I was very frightened. Daddy rushed in and said, "What's happening?"

Nurse Tyler tried to calm her down with daddy's help. "Go wait downstairs," he said as I stood there and tears began to fall. "Go!" daddy yelled. I ran out of her room to my bedroom, I laid there, and cried. My family was not spiritual at all, but as I laid there, all I could think to do was pray.

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