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The Interrogation 2.5


"Well..." said Detective Foster, as she paced back and forth, "now that we know where it all began, it all makes perfect sense how a woman who seems to be completely in love with her husband and appears to be devoted to a high power, could commit such a crime of passion."

Detective Foster sat in front of me with a hint of gratification written all over her face, as if she were my judge and jury ready to sentence me to a life of prison, without the possibility of parole. Detective Brody entered the room with a big orange envelope.

"I'll take the rest of the interrogation from this point forward. The captain would like to speak with you Foster," he said to the ardent detective.

"But Brody..." Foster said, clinching her teeth, "I almost had her, I am getting close! Let me finish this Brody," she cried to the stern faced detective.

"It's over my head at this point Foster," he said as they walked to the door.

I overheard him say, "IA is waiting for you in the captain's office."

"I guess I am not the only one being interrogated today, isn't that right?" I said, as I watched the smirk on her face shift to distress.

"Mrs. Blake," Brody said as he pulled a paper and photos out of the envelope. "I don't like to waste time, nor do I play games. But you have been playing us all day. Now tell me how your wedding rings ended up on the body of your dead husband."

Staring at the photo of my five karat, princess cut diamond ring, which I once wore proudly and lovingly, was now stained with shame and covered in a sea of blood. How could my rings end up in the hotel room, I thought as I pondered over the last time I had them. Like a two ton Blake plate, it hit me: Kenya. I gasped in shock, remembering I gave it to her to pawn. Did she really do, no she is a lot of things but not a cold blooded murderer.

"What's that, Mrs. Blake, do you remember now?" Brody asked.

"I don't know. I need to speak with my sister," I demanded.

"Do you know now," he said as he slammed more pictures on the table, like my wedding photo. The smile on David's face looked of pure bliss, while my smile seemingly masked the pain that my eyes could not contain. With my hand placed on top of his, showing our wedding rings was supposedly the highlight of the photo. I couldn't help but to notice how completely void of joy my face looked on what should have been the happiest day of my life. Tears began to fill my eyes. Suddenly the detective slammed another picture of David lying dead with my ring on top of his chest. I turned my head away quickly to escape the image of his tortured shell. The room went silent as the tears rolled down my face and I began to call on Jesus, over and over again. Brody completely lost his patience with me and banged on the desk, knocking me out of my translucent state.

"Mrs. Blake, I know this is hard for you to see, but you have to tell me how your rings got on the body of your dead husband," he quietly asked.

"I don't know," I said. I didn't do this. I can't tell him the truth. If I tell him that my sister had the rings last, he will put her away for good. Think Danny, think... I'll just tell them the same story I told David.

"Listen detective, whoever did this put it there, but it wasn't me," I pleaded.

"Those rings were stolen from my home weeks ago; someone broke into my home and trashed the place. I filed a police report about it and everything, check the records."

As, I searched my mind back to that day, I remembered Detective Foster.

"That's it, that's where I know your partner from. She was the officer that took our statement and who's been handling the investigation. Ask her." I said, feeling a little relieved.

"That's impossible, you must be mistaken. Foster is a homicide detective...we don't work cases involving BNE's unless a murder was committed."

"BNE's?" I asked, trying to understand the cop lingo.

"Yeah, well maybe you need to tell your partner that. Because I know that was her at my house three weeks ago, wearing that same awful cinnamon spice body spray lotion or whatever it is."

"I will ask her later," he said. "I must say Mrs. Blake, you've written some interesting things in this journal. Things that if a jury would read it, they would think you had probable cause to commit murder. Your husband was a 'lying, cheating, manipulative, little dirty bastard and deserved whatever was coming to him'. Your words not mine," he said as he began to read passages from my journal.

"Tell me about the encounter you had on April 16th, 2004."

"Why, I don't see the relevance of that," I said as I began to get further irritated.

"Why does that matter? That was way before I even met David."

"Oh, it relevant to the investigation. So why don't you tell me about Ezra North, or would you rather me to continue to read from your journal?" The detective said, trying to demoralize me, and Ezra North was the one person from my past that would do just the thing.

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