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The Last Dance


As the judge entered the room, Ezra looked back at me and I tried not to make eye contact with him. "You may be seated," said the judge. I watched Ezra pace back and forth for several minutes, speaking so eloquently and persuasively as he made his case for Kenya. I looked at the faces of the jurors as he charismatically spoke, all the faces of the female jurors were attentive and even a few males faces were filled up with delight. He even had the judge tangled up in his web of grandiloquent words. "Call your next witness, counselor," the judge said, as she rested her head on her hands as she looked at Ezra all googly eyed. "I call Kenya Winters to the stand," he said.

Kenya took the stand and the judge said, "Remember, you're still under oath, Ms. Winters."

"I only have a few questions for you today Ms. Winters, is that alright?" Ezra asked her.

"Sure," she replied.

"Who was David to you?"

Before she answered that question, she looked at me and said, "He was my boyfriend before I went to jail."

"Isn't it in fact true that he was more than just your boyfriend, Ms. Winters?"

"Well yes, he was the father of my twin boys," she said.

"Okay, now we are getting somewhere," Ezra said. "Isn't it also true that the deceased Mr. Blake convinced his then six month pregnant girlfriend to take the rap for him? Why would you do that Ms. Winters? What would make a pregnant young girl go to jail for her much older boyfriend?" Ezra asked.

"Because, I loved him. He was my everything," she said.

"Objection, your honor," said the prosecution.

"Sustained, get on with it counselor," said the judge.

"You loved him," he repeated, "and you served eight years for him."

"Objection your honor, counselor is testifying for the witness," said the female prosecutor. "Sustained," the judge said.

"Counsel withdrawn," he said. "I am simply trying to establish motive," Ezra said.

"We already established that last week, your honor. Counselor is late to the party and frankly wasting the court's time," argued the female attorney.

"I am establishing the fact that she had no motive, your honor," Ezra said.

"Counselors approach the bench," the judge.

They both walked over to the judge and she looked like a mother scolding her disruptive child. After a minute of finger point and angered facial expressions from the judge, they both went back to their seats.

"Proceed counselor," said the judge.

"Ms. Winters, how long had you and the deceased been dating before you went to jail for eight years?" Ezra asked.

"We began dating at the same year my sister went off to college and I went to jail right before her graduation," she said.

"So we are safe to say... four years?"

"Yeah, you can say that," she said.

"Why would he allow you to go to jail for eight years for him?"

"He didn't know about my past arrest so he didn't know it was my third strike, although most of my offenses were when I was underage but the judge didn't care," she said.

"I was pregnant with his sons, he loved me and our children," she said.

"So, it's safe to assume that he was a good father to your children?"

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