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The Wedding



The day has finally arrived. Ever since messy Vanessa convinced my dad to move up their wedding date, things at the house had been hectic. I wasn't too eager to be back in London. Things felt strange. Not like when my grandma was much healthier and we would go horseback riding. We would go to all the fashion shows and had front row seats to all the famous designers. My grandma was the best; she had many important people in life that she called friends.

Each year, they would take turns throwing the grandest balls ever, but no one could ever out top grandma. She had everything you could imagine, like two black panthers with diamond collars around their necks, posted in front of the house. The ballroom was decorated by theme each year. My grandma had just gotten word that she only had a few months to live but that didn't stop her from having a ball. I think that news made her theme decision much easier, since going to heaven was nearing her reality. She had statues of two cherubs placed out front. Everyone had to wear white. The ceiling was covered in clouds and shades of sky blue. The marble floor now had a golden path way that led to a huge, golden emptied throne that had cherubs compassing about it. After nearly two hours into the party, my grandma finally arrived in a carriage wearing all white, her once salt and pepper colored hair now was completely silver. She wore the most beautiful white dress with a golden necklace, looking like the queen of Egypt. She was received with a mighty cheer. The two half naked men lifted her up on her seat. It looked like something straight out of the ancient biblical times.

I was so amazed to see this at twelve years old. The servers all had on angel wings and they served the people food and wine, as they listened to the harpist play a melody so angelic that I believed even God was pleased. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. Everyone appeared to be having a great time, when two men blew the trumpets. The room grew silent as my dad signaled for me to leave the party. I wasn't ready to go, I was eager to see what was going to happen next. But he had Riley escort me out.

"My grandma is saying something important," I said to him, pleading to stay a little while longer.

"Your dad said he wants you to go now," he replied, as we slowly walked out of the ballroom. I strained my ears trying to hear some of the news she was about to share with the world. Riley realized what I was doing and he threatened to tell my dad. As the brass double doors closed behind me, so did my grandma's announcement. The next day, my dad came into my room to tell me why he needed me to leave so abruptly. I never knew my dad was a dancer but clearly he knew how the way he danced all the way around what really happened.

After nearly a half hour of useless conversation, he finally broke the news about my grandmother's condition. The heavenly theme made much more sense now. I was completely devastated; she was the only mother I knew. I never knew my real mom but my grandmother tried to fill that void best she could and boy, did she. It wasn't until she got really sick that I started to search for my real mother. I despised Vanessa and I wanted her gone. Having her as a mother, step or pretend, was not about to happen. She was an absolute witch and I was determined to prove it.

So I went searching for answers, answers my dad didn't want to give me. Luckily, snooping was a great attribute in this family. I created a wall of clues but I am still missing something, I thought as I stared at the web of photos I created on my fake wall in my room. I found photos of my dad's high school and college friends. I created a timeline that still wasn't adding up.

Where did I come from? Who is my real mother? I thought, as I stared at the wall. Suddenly, a car horn blew, snapping me out of my trance.

"I have to find her, I can't let my dad marry this woman," I said as I grabbed my Pink duffle bag and tossed in my passport, clothes, and some cash I had stashed away.

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