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The calm before the Storm


It had been the best couple of days I ever had. Having Sky at the house was a tremendous treat. Parenting didn't come easy to me, I felt more like her friend than her mother and I wasn't sure how to cross that bridge in to motherhood. After several attempts to get Ezra to come to the states, he still refused to come and meet up with me regarding Sky. I guessed with her running away on his wedding day, the death and burial of his mother, and having to reschedule his wedding took a toll on him. We decided to do the next best thing which was go to him. I was really nervous about seeing him again. Things were totally different this time around. The contempt I felt for him ceased to exist knowing he raised our daughter all this time, while thinking I abandoned them.

I called the bank to check my account to see if I had enough to even book us flights to England. David swindling millions from me and paying Kenya's legal fees, between the two, I was temporarily out of cash. Accepting the inheritance from Victoria was desperately sounding good to me. Watching my daughter eat her second helping of spaghetti and filling the room with hysterical laughter, it saddened me to have to tell her we couldn't make the trip. Just as I attempted to break the news to Sky, Greg reached behind me and handed me two airline tickets. "How did you know?" I asked, but he simply smiled and walked away.

"What we are going to do first after we land?" Sky asked. "Well I don't know," I said as we walked into Rita's nail salon. "I guess we will check into the hotel and then go meet your dad." I picked out my nail polish.

"No way, you have to stay at the house with us, we have plenty of room," said a joyful Sky. "Daddy won't mind."

"It's not your dad I am concerned about," I said.

"Who, messy Vanessy? What can she say? After all, they are not married yet," Sky said and we blissfully sat in the massage chairs, with the vibrations of the chairs working out all the kinks, while the little Asian woman scrubbed caulis out of my feet.

"Why you call her that?" I asked.

"Because she's a hot, fake mess. Fake boobs, fake hair, fair eyelashes, fake tan, fake nose, fake..."

"I get it, she's fake," I said, cutting her off from her tangent.

"Is there anything you like about her? She is going to be your mom soon," I said.

"No, she's not going to be my mom, you're my mom. I want to come back to America with you. I don't want to live with her and my dad. He's different with her and I don't like it," she said

"Different how?"

"He's weak, she runs all over him. She controls everything, she tells him what to wear, what to eat, how to stand, everything. I hate it. She even convinced him to send me away to boarding school."

"Boarding school, no way will I allow that," I said.

"You won't?"

"I won't," I affirmed as she hugged me so tightly and said, "I'm so happy I found you."

"I need you mom, please don't ever leave me," Sky begged.

"I won't, I promise, you will never be without me again," I said as I assured her.

"The only way dad will agree to letting me come back with you is if you can afford to care for me as he would, can you do that?"

"Umm... Things are really tight for me right now financially, but I will do what I can," I said. "Well, if you would just take the money grandma left you, you would have the money, so can you please consider it," she said.

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