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Desperately Seeking Revenge


It's been a month and four days since I buried my baby boy. I tried desperately to fall asleep but the deathly silence echoed baby Ezra's room. Anger was not quite the word I would use to express the emotions I felt as I stared at David from the nursery balcony. Watching his demented friends roll in one after another, with what looked like bags full of food and bottles of liquor. Having a party and drowning his grief in alcohol was nothing new to him and his thuggish friends. I stood there in disbelief as his best friend Eddie showed up with four women dressed in plastic thigh high boots, hooker heels, and stripper wear. I almost felt sorry for him, but the hatred I felt on the inside wouldn't allow me to have sympathy for that narcissistic, abusive, cheating, thieving... bastard.

I can't take this anymore, I thought as the seeding thoughts of revenge grew in my mind. I grabbed my robe and the phone -- calling the police seemed to be right thing to do at the time. Although our nearest neighbor was a quarter of a mile down the road, I called in a noise complaint. The officers met me at the front of the main house and I explained everything. I decided to add my own little flavored cocktail of course. This prompted the rookie officer to dispatch more officers to help with what he called a raid. I overheard one of the officers say they had been trying to bust Eddie Valente' for years and this was going to be the bust of the year.

Oh Lord. The only thing they would find is a bunch of drunken guys and strippers. I watched them suit up for what looked like combat. They strapped on their bullet proof vests as one of David's friends bent the corner. He dropped his bottle and swiftly turned to run and alert David. Before he could get both feet in motion, a tall, muscular officer hit him with the back of his rifle, knocking him conscience. They rapidly geared up and the female officer rushed me indoors as some of the officers ran to the guesthouse and others raced over in their squad cars. I paced back and forth as the commotion grew louder and louder; gunshots rang out. More cops arrived and rushed to the guesthouse. My home had now become a war zone, I thought as I watched from the kitchen window. The officer urged me to stay away from the window as gunshots rang out. A few guys fled from the back of the house into the woods, in a failed attempt to elude the police, only to be followed soon after by the officers with their K-9's.

After what felt like hours of war, the chaotic atmosphere grew silent as the rain began to pour. The flashing lights of the emergency vehicles were blinding and deafening.

"You being the granddaughter of the greatest chiefs on the force, captain pulled out all our resources to ensure your safety," said the nervous female officer.

"I understand that, but this was a bit extreme for just a nuisance call."

"Oh, Mrs. Blake, your call was much more than that," she said as she smiled.

Panic was the source of my internal sentience, as the consequence for my moment of weakness played out right in front of me. Vengeance is mine, said the Lord. The bible scripture my grandpa once told me played on repeat in my mind, while watching the beautifully bitter taste of my revenge rip through my in-law's suite like a tornado. Satisfaction filled my soul while watching my plan unfold and the feeling of bliss coursed through my veins.

Shouting rang out across the parking lot as the handcuffed Eddie Valente' was being placed in the police van. I couldn't quite make out everything he was saying except, "You set me up," he repeated over and over. "You're a dead man, D," he said, as he shouted at David, who looked like he had seen a ghost. I walked out onto my patio to witness David's arrest. I couldn't have written a better plan if I tried. What turned out as an annoyance complaint just to piss David off, turned out to be the bust of a lifetime. They found guns, drugs, and a boatload of cash hidden behind a fake wall in the guesthouse. The naked women/prostitutes were an added bonus.

I had no idea about all that was happening in my guesthouse; I knew David was up to no good, but to this extreme...boy, this even escaped me. I was questioned for nearly two hours about what I saw. I was told that I may have to testify at the trial if the charges stick. It was all happening so fast, I didn't have time to freak out or think of how my life would change if I agreed to be a witness for the prosecution. All I thought about was that David would be gone from my life permanently and vengeance was mine.

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