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Dirty Games


The steam filled the spa as Tina poured water over the hot rock. I closed my eyes to enjoy the exfoliating back massage. The sound of the phone ringing and ringing knocked me out of my tranquil state. "Ling Ling, pass me my phone," I said to the Asian tech.

"Ooh... Pam you ain't right calling her that," Tina said. "You know it's offensive right? She probably over there cursing you out in her native tongue," she said as she hysterically laughed.

"Girl... No, her name really is Ling Ling," I said as I pointed to her name plate.

"Thank you Ling," I said as she handed me my phone.

"Oh snap, it's Danielle," I said as I jumped up from the table. "She's at the police station...she said David was killed last night. Oh my Lord," I said as I worry started to set in and I felt horrible missing her phone call.

We grabbed our clothes and rushed out the door, but not before Ming Lee, the owner of the salon stopped us dead in our tracks.

"Pay now," she said as she stood there with her arms folded. Tina reached into her purse and pulled out her credit card. I could not gather myself together for a second. My nerves were completely shot.

"Wait Pam, do they think Danny did it? Is that why she's being held?" Tina asked.

"I don't know, I really don't know," I said.

Danielle had a million and one reasons to murder David, I thought, but do I think she would actually do it, no. She wouldn't even hurt a fly. Now if I was in her shoes I would have kilt him a long time ago, especially the night I met Andre'

There was full moon tonight and the weather agreed with my hair. The stars seemed to align just right for me. The club was nearly emptied, since we tried to get in before girls had to pay.

Across the room, I saw him...the guy I was stalking last year. He was so fine. He was all tattooed up, with the longest sexiest locks. I could tell he took care of himself because his hair was well groomed and his nails were clean cut; no dirt or bitten down like a lot of the clowns from my neighbor. His clothes were fly, even down to his shoes.

I saw him and his boys every year down South Beach. They were just like me and my girls, club hoppers. But this time was different; my girls had a plan to set me up. They knew I was checking for him but being the lady I am, I don't chase no man. My mama didn't raise no Hoe.

We were out shopping most of the day, as if we really needed to spend more money on clothes, makeup and accessories, but what can I say, nothing I brought with me was good enough. I needed to sex it up a bit. I may not chase behind any man but I surely will give him a reason to come chase me.

He and his boys conveniently showed up at the same club we were in all that night. Ladies got in free before 10. Messing around with Danielle, we barely made it before they started charging a cover fee.

The DJ was on point all night, the music was jumping. He played everything from old school to new school. I sat down most of the night, sipping on the same Apple Martini, hoping not to get too drunk. One drink was all I could take, after that, I'm done for the night. I know my limits, unlike my sister Tina, who was tore up from the floor up. She had three vodka and cranberries, a martini, sex on the beach, and Long Island iced tea, which was like six drinks in one. After that, I lost count.

I am so ready to leave this place, I thought. Meanwhile, my girls were on the dance floor sweating out their weaves and shaking everything that their mama's gave them. I looked up from the bottom of my glass and there he was, standing there like a black ebony prince. Our eyes connected and it felt as if he was reaching into my soul, although it lasted for every bit of three seconds. We connected instantly. In that very moment, it appeared as if everything in the room went silent and the spotlight shined just on us. As he began to walk towards me, I felt my hands trembling-- my half-emptied Apple Martini was shaking as if the earth itself was quaking. My mind quickly shifted into panic mode.

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