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Interrogation 5.0


"Until what," sounded the curious detective. After attempting to explain my past with Ezra, I instantly felt the sting of deception coursing through my veins. Heavily, I sighed as I no longer wanted to continue down that dark path. I attempted to divert the line of questions by asking him a personal question.

"Who is she?" I asked. A puzzled Brody responded, "Who is who?"

I smirked and said, "The woman that broke your heart." It was obvious that I hit a nerve when he shifted in his seat and tilted his head back and forth, squinting his eyes and trying to figure out how could I possibly know what he was feeling.

"Is it that obvious?"

"No, I just have an intuitive nature. Here's a little unsolicited advice: I just see you keep looking at your phone, but she's not going to call and my guess is it's the woman that stomped all over your heart."

"Give me the phone," I asked as I extended my hand towards him. He hesitatingly passed me the phone. A picture of a beautiful brunette with a huge smile filled the screen. "She's beautiful," I said, "I see why you're obsessed, but you should delete it." I attempted to hit the delete button on his phone. "You're only torturing yourself with it." He snatched the phone out of my hands so fast, I nearly dropped it. "No!" He shouted, "That's the last picture I have of her." Seeing how tremendously grievous he was, I felt compelled to apologize.

"I'm so sorry! You just seem like a great guy, that's all."

He gravely said, "She was my wife...she was killed last year." I suddenly felt his pain, as tears formed in his eyes. "I'm sorry," I said, as Captain Harvey walked in and tapped him on his shoulder.

"Take five," said the charismatic captain.

"It's a little cold in here," he said. "Have some tea; it should warm you up a bit. We are almost finished, but I have a couple more questions for you while we are waiting for ballistics to come back on the gun that we believe to be the murder weapon. Do you love your sister, Mrs. Blake?"

"Of course I love my sister," I said defensively.

"Did you know that your sister and your husband...never mind," he said.

"What do you mean never mind and what about my sister and David?"

"You can go, Mrs. Blake, but just don't leave the country. We still may have more questions," he said.

"Just like that, I am free to go?" I asked.

"Yes," he said as he closed the big thigh blue folder they have been tormenting me with, since I've been there. "Do you need a ride?"

"Yes," I said sarcastically, "since your officers so eloquently picked me up from my office yesterday and held me captive for nearly 24 hours. My ride is waiting patiently out front."

In a last effort to appeal to the captain, I asked, "Why do you all seem so convinced that I murdered David?" "Well," he said as I began to put on my white sheepskin, quarter-length coat, "Your sister is now being charged with your husband's murder, not you."

"We found gun powder residue on her hands and her clothes, stained with your husband's blood, buried in your backyard."

While the captain stood in the doorway explaining the evidence he had against Kenya, a very young officer handed him a folder. The captain opened the folder and smiled as if heavens opened up and poured him down a blessing. "Got you," he said.

"Good news, I suppose?" I asked.

"For me, yes. Your sister, no."

"Here's my smoking gun: lab shows your gun, Mrs. Blake, was used and your sister used it." I was devastated to hear that Kenya had something to do with David's death. Rage, relief, grief, and remorse filled my face, as I fell back down in my seat, in shock of what the captain just told me. I went through a series of changes while sitting on that cold metal chair.

"Captain," I called as he left the room to give me time to process the unbelievable news. "Can I please see my sister?"

"My sister may have been a thief and a liar, but she is not a murderer," I said to the captain.

He called Brody back to the room and he then escorted me to the holding cell where they were keeping Kenya. I looked at my sister through those iron bars and tears filled my eyes. I could not speak, all I could do was cry for her and my unborn niece and my nephews.

"I'm sorry Danny," she said as she softly placed her hand on top of mine. Tears began to flow down her face, "Please tell the boys, I love them and I am sorry," she said.

"Times up, Mrs. Blake," said Officer Brody.

Finding it hard to breathe, I began to shake uncontrollably, as panic filled my body once again. "Take care of my babies Danny, please," she cried. I sat on the bench outside of the cell and Brody brought me some water to try to help calm my nerves. There was a genuine concern in his voice. "Listen, there is nothing you can do for her like this. If you know a good lawyer, get her one because she needs it."

"Come on," he said as he helped me get up from the bench. "I'll take you home, my shift is over."

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