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The Proposal


We arrived to the beautiful island only to be greeted by a happy, energetic staff who appeared to be performers. They welcomed us with open arms and placed a lei on our neck. We walked through the hotel lobby to check into our room. Ezra walked over to the counter to speak with the receptionist as I talked to the tour guide to book our tour of the Island.

"Are you ready to go to our room?" He asked.

"Our room?" I replied.

He winked and smiled as he grabbed the rolling suitcase and rushed to the room.

"You heard him, what're you waiting for?" The tour guide said as I grabbed the schedule and happily rushed after him.

The room was absolutely gorgeous. The bronze tile floors, the golden silk drapes hanging from the ceiling with the most beautiful chandelier hanging from it, the huge bay windows gave us the most amazing view of the bluest ocean.

We spent the whole day enjoying one another's company. I cannot remember the last time I enjoyed myself like this. We sat poolside soaking up some rays and sipping cocktails. As soon as the waiter brought over our lunch, Ezra's phone rang. He kissed me and said, "I'll be back, go on and eat babe."

It was nearly a half hour and he hadn't returned yet. He rushed back over to see that his prime rib had been half eaten.

"Come on," he said as he grabbed my hand and we walked down to the docked where the boats were.

"Is this what you have been doing?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said.

I happily laid across the front of the boat in my V-shaped string bikini enjoying the breeze. It was between the three glasses of wine and the rocky waters that I began to feel lucid. I turned over and gazed at the man I absolutely adored. He was steering the boat in his captain hat looking mighty fine, we finally reached a small island and docked the boat. To my surprise, there were two tables set up for a massage under a huge white tent filled with an array of beautiful Calla Lilies, palm trees, and colorful pillows.

The massage felt amazing; he knocked out every kink by hand. I was completely relaxed until Ezra grabbed my hand and began to caress it while we laid there and he whispered, "I love you." I began to panic and I felt myself about to pull away from him as that voice in my head said, "You love him Danny, you've always loved him, and you've waited your whole life for this moment." I grabbed his hand tightly, I found myself caught up in that moment of it all and couldn't resist but to say, "I love you too."

Our massage was over and we walked hand and hand down the white sandy beach. He said, "I have one more surprise for you over the hill but before we go, I need to know if you truly meant what you asked," as he stood intensely in front of me.

"I meant every word, I never stopped loving you, and it killed me to know you were marrying Vanessa. Sky and Pam concocted this whole plan to ruin your wedding but I didn't want you like that," I said.

"I have a question," he asked as I stood there looking radiant.

"Shoot," I said.

"Why didn't you open the door for me at the hotel?"

For a second, I was clueless about what he was talking about then I laughed.

"Well it was because Pam gave you the wrong room number, unintentionally though, but I'm glad she did because had you had the right door, I didn't want to be responsible for what would have happened. By the way, she said you were drunk anyway," I said.

"Well it all worked out in the end, right," he said.

"Your conscience is clear and so is mine," I said.

He grabbed my face and kissed me. We walked over this big sandy hill and there was the most radiant view: the sun was starting to set and there stood a man dressed in white linen, holding what looked like a bible in his hand. There was a white arch with the most exquisite flowers. The closer we got, I noticed there were people sitting in white chairs. I squeezed his hand harder and he smiled and said, "You love me right?"

I said, "With all my heart," as he waved his hand and music began to play.

"What is this Ezra?" I asked.

"Is this--" he cut me off and dropped down on one knee and said "Danielle Shade' Winters, I have loved you my whole life. I knew you would one day be my wife the day I saw you through my window rescuing that bird," he said with tears in his eyes.

"You saw that," I said as tears began to flow down my cheek.

"Baby, I have gone a lifetime without you but carrying you around with me everywhere I went because you always had my heart. I was angry with you for turning your back on us, but I never truly believed you could. I am begging baby please don't make me go another second, another day without you being my wife. Please marry me," he begged. I think, the words got a little jumbled after he said he knew I was going to be his wife. I couldn't hold it any longer, "Yes, Yes," I cried as he lifted me off the ground in excitement and passionately kissed me. "We have to hurry," he said as he grabbed my hand, we raced literally down the aisle. Sky, Pearl, and Chuck sat on the front row, while Pam and Phil sat behind them all seemingly very happy for us.

We exchanged the most heartfelt vows. There was not a dry eye in the room. Ezra had it all planned out. When we got back to the hotel, the ballroom was set up for our reception.

"How did you...when did you do all of this?" I asked as I looked around the room arranged in sky blue and white decor.

"Who are all these people?" I looked around the room and didn't recognize anyone in the room.

"I just asked the concierge to fill the room with guests to share in our special day," he happily said.

We looked around the room at all the many different characters and burst out in laughter, as the man announced us. I looked at Pam as she started to regret bringing Phil while she saw all the attractive island men pass her by. I whispered in her ear, "As you would always say, you don't bring sand to the beach."

"I don't know what the heck I was thinking," Pam said. We laughed as we watched Phil slurp up the shrimp cocktail.

Today was officially the best day of my life. I finally married the man I love. I looked at how happy they looked as he danced with our daughter. Pearl and Chuck had been on the dance floor all night. I looked around the room and saw everyone laughing and enjoying themselves. Ezra grabbed my hand and stared lovingly into my eyes and kissed me. This was now my life and it was finally all good.

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