Chapter 39 - Losing Your Smile

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[Word count - 2,358]

Same night...

Location - Residential Area

Your POV

To think what started out as me going on one simple date with Kaoru ended in disaster. To recap, I received a phone call from an unknown phone number after taking Kaoru home. Turns out that it was the officer who came to my house after I assumed someone had broken into it. He told me that they had found my parents, but they were dead the moment they were discovered, and I am still trying to process everything.

"Hello? Are you still there?" The officer asked.

My phone was still on the ground. I picked it up and responded.

"Yeah, I'm still here." I replied.

"You heard what I said, right?" He asked.

"That my parents are dead? Yeah, I heard you." I replied.

"We apologize for not finding them sooner. We'll make sure that a funeral is arrange for them, and we discovered that a will was written for you, so I recommend seeing someone about that." He said.

"Yeah, I will." I said, sighing a bit. "Have a goodnight officer."

"You too."

I hung up and felt like all of my happiness drained away. My parents are gone for real, and there is nothing I can do about it. And what's this about a will they written? Were they going to leave me with something after they die? I doubt I'll get anything from them though.

I felt so depress that I didn't want to go back to Nanami's place, so that I decided to spend the night outside. At least it'll give me a chance to be alone for a while.

The next day...

Location - The park

Rays from the sun began to hit me in the face as I woke up the next day. I was sleeping on the bench at the park outside. I was lucky that no one comes to the park in the middle of the night, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep at all. When I looked at my phone, I saw that I got some text messages from some of the girls.

Nanami's text: Are you okay? You didn't come back like you said. :(

Chisato's text: I'm so sorry that you had to go through with this my love. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. ❤

I honestly don't understand why these girls can't leave me alone. I scrolled through my phone to read the other text messages I've gotten.

Ran's text: Umm, I'm not usually good with this kind of thing, but... I'm sorry about your parents.

Kasumi's text: Bestie! I'll be praying for you to get better! So whatever you do, don't lose your smile! :( 💔

"Sorry, Kasumi, but my smile died the moment I lost my parents." I said as I was scrolling through more text messages.

Rimi's text: So sorry about your parents (Y/N)-kun. I'll be thinking about you the whole time.

Ako's text: Yukina-san told me what happened. Please stay strong and don't give up on life.

I placed my phone back in my pocket, and sighed as I looked up at the sky.

"Maybe my smile is gone forever."

I probably shouldn't have said that, especially since someone came over to me first thing in the morning. Turns out it was Kokoro from Hello, Happy World!. What is she doing here in the park so early in the morning?

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