Chapter 19 - Having An Ordinary Date

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[Word count - 1,850]

Location - Hazawa Coffee

Tsugumi's POV

I'm at my family's cafe working away like I always do, but my mind has been occupied. For the last few weeks, I couldn't stop thinking about (Y/N), and how wonderful he is. Whenever I came over to CiRCLE to check on him, he would always be busy. I am amazed by how hard of a worker he is, and... I just couldn't take my eyes off of him. I think I was starting to fall in love with him.

I really wanted to tell him how I feel about him, but I am a bit nervous that he might reject me. On the other hand, I won't know he'll reject me unless I tell him.

"*sigh* What do I do?"

Later, the door opened and I heard a familiar voice along the way.

"Tsugu! Hiya!"

I know that voice.

"Welcome, Himari-chan. Do you want your usual order?" I asked.

"Yes, please!" She answered cheerfully.

"Alright, give me a moment and I'll have it ready for you." I said as I walked away to go prepare her order.

A few minutes later...

I came back with Himari's usual order: a cake and a coffee.

"Here you go, Himari-chan. Enjoy." I said with a smile.

"Aww, this cake is too cute. I got to post this on social media."

Himari pulled out her phone and after finding the perfect angle, she took a picture of it and posted it.

"And... sent. I would like to see Touko-chan post a better pic than this." She said with determination in her voice.

Himari started to ramble on for a while, but I really wasn't listening to her. I was back to thinking about (Y/N) and my feelings towards him.

"Tsugu? Are you listening?" Himari called out to me. That brought me back to reality.

"Huh? I'm sorry, did you say something?" I asked.

Himari looked concerned.

"Tsugu, is everything okay?" She questioned. "You don't normally space out so much."

"Sorry, I was just... thinking about something." I said.

"Really? What were you thinking?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and began to tell Himari about (Y/N), and my feelings for him. After explaining everything to her, Himari became even more cheerful than normal.

"Aww, Tsugu, it's cute that you have feelings for (Y/N)-kun." She said with a big smile.

"But what should I do, Himari-chan? I've never been in this situation before." I said.

"It's simple, you need to tell him how you feel." She suggested.

"Tell him how I feel?"

"That's right. If you don't tell him how you feel, then other girls might take him away from you." Himari said.

That was one thing I was worried about the most. I have heard from Hina that Chisato likes her very much, and I believe that Moca is in love with him, too. I guess I can't blame them, though. We're all quite attach to him, maybe a bit too much.

"Okay, Himari-chan, please help me out. How do I confess to him?" I asked.

"You can ask him out on a date, and try confessing from there."

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