Chapter 18 - Making Future Plans

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[Word count - 1,352]

A few days later...

Location - Live House CiRCLE, Cafe

Your POV

The last few events have been so crazy that it is honestly make my head spin. The craziest experience, hands down, had to be when I discovered that Chisato has been raped multiple time, and it broke my heart when I learned about it. Now I promise I would protect Chisato, even if it costs me my own life. Everyday lately, Chisato would come see me at CiRCLE to hangout, then I would walk her home to make her feel safe, and I couldn't help but notice that she and I have gotten closer, too. I hope this doesn't affect my relationship with the other girls...

As for Ren, another student at my school witnessed what he did, and reported it to the principal. Needless to say, the principal was furious at Ren, and expelled him right then and there. Now that he is gone and got what he deserve, I feel like school is now a much better place, but still a pain in the ass to go to.

But oh well, all of that is now done and behind me. I can look forward to a brand new day. But is there anything to look forward to though? I started thinking about it while taking my break at CiRCLE's cafe. I was in deep thought about this. I guess if I could, I can plan something with the girl bands. But what, though? As I began to think on this, I was approached by two hyperactive girls: Hina from Pastel*Palettes and Kokoro from Hello, Happy World!.

"Look, Kokoro-chan, I spy with my little eye a hero." Hina began. Could they be referring to me?

"I see a hero, too. And he happens to be sitting alone." Kokoro replied. Now I know they're talking about me, because... well... what other guys work here?

"Umm, why are you two calling me a hero?" I asked.

"Because we heard what happened recently from Chisato-chan." Hina responded.

"Eve told me how you saved her from being raped, right?" Kokoro asked.

"Yeah, I did. I just... had to do something about it, you know?" I said.

"Haha, you really are Boppin', (Y/N)-kun!" Hina excitedly said. 

"Do you really think so?" I asked, blushing a little.

"Of course! You're just as Boppin' as Aya-chan!" Hina said.

"If anything, we should award you for your actions!" Kokoro suggested.

"I don't think that's necessary..." I tried to say...

Then Kokoro had an idea that I didn't expect.

"I know! Hina, how about we invite (Y/N) to our trip next month?" She suggested. A trip?

"That's a good idea! What do you say, (Y/N)-kun? Do you want to come with us on our trip?" She asked.

"That depends, where are you going?" I asked.

"We're gonna go stargazing in the mountains next month, and we thought it would be Boppin' if we can invite some others to join with us." Hina explained.

Stargazing up in the mountains, huh? I guess that could be fun, but it'll depend on what my schedule will look like by then.

"I'll give it some thought." I told them.

Hina and Kokoro became even more excited.

"Yay! Now I can't wait for next month to show up!" Hina said.

"Me neither! I know all of us are going to have big smiles for sure!" Kokoro added.

"But wait, what made you decide to go on a stargazing trip in the first place?" I asked. There has to be a reason behind it, right?

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