Chapter 25 - Lending A Helping Hand

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[Word count - 1,707]

Location - Live House CiRCLE, Lobby

Your POV

Now that all of my days off  have come to an end, it was time for me to get back to work. And today, I felt like being in a helpful mood, so I started making a goal for myself: by the end of the week, I am going to help as many people as I can.

"(Y/N)-san, I hate to interrupt you while you're working, but do you think you can do me a favor?" Marina asked as she came over to me.

"I don't mind." I replied. "What's up?"

"When you take your break, do you think you can go to the bookstore and pick up some magazines for CiRCLE?" She asked.

"Sure thing." I smiled.

"Thanks. You're such a big help." She smiled back.

"There's no need to thank me, really."

My first person to help out, and it's Marina... I mean, I should've expected that, but it still counts if you ask me.

Break time...

Location - Shopping Mall, Bookstore

As soon as my break started, I began to head over to the bookstore, and grabbed the type of magazines Marina wanted me to buy. She even gave me a list before heading out. I am curious if I am going to run into anyone I know here at the mall. If that is the case, I want to do what I can to lend a helping hand.

As I grabbed the magazines and started heading out, I spied with my little eye two familiar people. Arisa from Poppin' Party, and Himari from Afterglow. And from what I am seeing, Himari seems to be upset about something. Becoming curious, I headed over to where they were.

"Hey, Arisa. Himari. Fancy seeing the two of you here."

"Hey, it's (Y/N)-kun!" Himari said cheerfully. She seems happy to see me.

"Hi there." Arisa said.

"I don't think I have ever seen you two hung out before." I pointed out.

"Well, I was on my way to do some shopping, and I ran into Arisa along the way." Himari explained.

"It was either hangout with Himari-chan, or get annoyed by Kasumi, and... you can see which option I went for." Arisa said.

I chuckled a bit by Arisa's decision. To be honest, that does sound like something Kasumi would do to Arisa.

"By the way, (Y/N)-kun, what are you doing here?" Himari asked.

"Well, I'm on break right now, and Marina-san asked me to come here to pick some magazines for CiRCLE." I said and showed them the magazines as proof.

"I see." Arisa started.

"That is a nice thing for you to do." Himari finished.

"Yeah, but then, I saw you two, and a sad expression on Himari's face." I added.

"Oh, you saw that, huh?" Himari asked.

"I did, and I wanted to know if everything is okay." I replied.

"Well, I do need another opinion on something. Do you think you can help me out?"

"Of course. Tell me what you need."

Himari nodded and held out two different outfits, one in each hand.

"I can't decide which outfit I want to buy. Arisa said both will look good on me, but even so, I still can't make a decision!" She whined.

[Wattys 2023] The Music Within [BanG Dream x Male Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें