Chapter 26 - Hidden Secrets

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[Word count - 1,136]

Location - Ichigaya Residence, Basement

Kasumi's POV

Ah, at last we made it through another boring week of school. During the week, the girls and I decided that we were going to have a sleepover at Arisa's place. Arisa wasn't open to the idea at first, as you can expect, but she eventually gave in. We tried to invite (Y/N) to the sleepover, but according to Marina, he was stuck in bed with a cold. We were sad, but we're hoping that he gets better.

Arisa's grandmother was kind enough to let us stay here from Friday to Sunday, and at first, everything was normal. But then, after we all ate dinner, the rainstorm from the other day started to pick up. We could even hear the raindrops from the basement. And because of that, it made it very hard for us to fall asleep.

"Can someone hit the mute button on the rain outside?" Arisa said, beginning to launch complaints.

"There's no need to get upset, Arisa." Saaya said. "I'm sure the rain will clear up by morning."

"But what if it doesn't, though?" Rimi asked.

"Then... we might have to deal with another night with no sleep." Saaya replied, sounding unsure of herself. 

"Great..." Arisa began. "This is exactly what we need right now."

"Ah, no need to worry about sleep." Tae said as she began eating some food out of the fridge.

"I agree." I replied, doing the same thing. "It's exciting that we get to stay up longer and chat."

"Hey, why are you going through my fridge like you pay bills?" Arisa asked.

"You don't pay bills, Arisa." Tae said.

"I mean, yeah... but it's still MY refrigerator that you're going through!" Arisa protested.

"But isn't it your grandma's fridge?" I asked in confusion.

"UGH! Whatever!"

Saaya chuckled.

"Now now, no need to get worked up." She said to Arisa.

"I guess..."

"Should we try to come up with something to talk about until we can fall asleep?" Rimi suggested.

"It's worth a shot." Tae replied. "But what do we talk about, though?"

As everyone was figuring that out, I just didn't say anything and began to think to myself. There was something I didn't bring up before, but... I am childhood friends with (Y/N), and when I first saw him working at CiRCLE, I was surprise that he didn't remember me. I did my best not to think about it, but... it keeps happening.

Eventually, everyone started to notice that I didn't say anything, and tried to get my attention.

"Kasumi, is everything okay?" Saaya asked.

"Huh? Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Because you're not saying anything, which is odd and not normal." Arisa said.

"Oh, right..." I began. "Sorry about that, I was just... thinking about something."

"Thinking? About what?" Rimi asked.

"About (Y/N)-kun." I sighed a bit.

"Let me guess, is it because you're in love with him like the others?" Arisa asked.

"I mean, yeah, but not this time." I replied.

"What is it then?" Tae asked.

"Well, this might be hard to believe, but... he and I are childhood friends."

Everyone stared at me for a while before giving me their reactions.

"Nani?!" They all exclaimed.

"You and (Y/N) are childhood friends?" Arisa asked.

"Yeah, though I don't think he remembers me." I replied.

"But didn't you told us that Hagumi was your childhood friend, too?" Saaya asked.

"She still is." I answered. "I met (Y/N)-kun before Hagu, but before meeting her, (Y/N)-kun moved away, and I never heard from him again."

"Well... that is until that day we all met him at CiRCLE." I went on.

"Have you tried to bring it up with him?" Rimi asked.

"Not really, and I am a little scared to do so." I replied sadly.

"What makes you say that?" Tae asked.

"Well, I'm a little worried that he won't remember me, and I'll end up looking like a fool." I replied sadly once again.

"You always look like a fool." Arisa bluntly said.

"And besides, you won't know for sure unless you bring it up with him." Saaya chimed in with her good advice.

"Yeah, you're right." I said. "I'll bring it up with him the next time I see him."

"That's the spirit."

Eventually, all of us got tired and fell asleep, and I was left thinking about (Y/N) and what to say to him the next time I see him.

A few days later...

Location - Live House CiRCLE

Your POV

After being stuck in bed for the last few days, I manage to fully recover from my cold, and I was back to work once again. However, this work shift was rather slow. No one has shown up yet, and Marina hasn't asked me to go out and do some errands.

"Bored?" Marina asked.

I nodded for yes.

"Don't worry, I'm sure something will happen soon." Marina said as she tried to give me an assuring smile.

"You said that 30 minutes ago, and still nothing has happened yet." I said.


But believe it or not, Marina was about to become right on this one. The doors opened and coming right inside was Kasumi from Poppin' Party.

"Hello, Marina-san! (Y/N)-kun!" She said cheerfully.

"Hello, Kasumi-chan. Are you here by yourself today?" Marina asked.

"Yeah. I wanted to talk to (Y/N)-kun about something." She replied.

"Talk to me? About what?"

"Well, I wanted to know... if you remember me?"

"Remember you? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"We met years ago at a summer camp, and you and I were best friends." She explained.

Wait a minute, I was best friends with Kasumi? I had a feeling she looked familiar, but... no matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to remember.

"Wow, I had no idea you were good friends with Kasumi-chan." Marina said. "Isn't that amazing?"

"It's not." I replied.

"Huh?!" The two females exclaimed.

"And I'm sorry Kasumi, but I don't remember you." I said.

Kasumi looked disappointed.

"Oh, I see..." She said sadly.


"No, don't be sorry." Kasumi told me. "I should get going now."

Kasumi began to walk out of CiRCLE, and now, all I feel is guilt. I mean, it is true, I really don't remember her. But then again, why don't I believe that...?

To be continued

A/N: That is it for chapter 26, and I hoped you guys liked it. Goodness me... quite the plot twist we have on our hands here, huh? Hopefully he'll remember her soon. And the next chapter will be a date chapter, so feel free to guess who it is.

See you in the next chapter, and have a good one. ;)

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