Chapter 5 - Make Everyone Smile, Hello, Happy World!

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[Word count - 1,619]


Location - Live House CiRCLE, Lobby

Your POV

Despite my lack in social skills, I was glad I was able to work here at Live House CiRCLE, and meet the girl bands. After meeting Roselia, I promise myself that no matter what, I am going stay devoted to my job here, and help out the bands in any way I can. However, I would always feel weird feeling that someone is watching me. I don't know why, though, it is what it feels like.

Once again, I'm doing another shift here at CiRCLE, but what was different is that I've been doing a lot of all nighters since entering December. A lot of bands have been coming here asking to do band rehearsals in the studio room or asking when it is possible to do a performance here, and it was really hard to keep up with everything. Maybe it's because Christmas is approaching. That might be it.

"Okay, Marina-san, I've done everything you asked me to do. Is it okay for me to go home now?" I asked Marina with a yawn, after taking part in another all nighter.

"Well, considering how much you did today, I think you deserve a nice long rest. Take the day off tomorrow, as well." Marina said with a smile.

A day off from work? That hasn't happened to me before. How can I not turn it down?

"Thanks, Marina-san. Have a good night." I waved and walked out of CiRCLE before heading off for home.

When I got outside, however, there was someone waiting for me. It was Chisato from Pastel*Palettes. Considering how late it is, I thought she would be home by now. Oh god, was she waiting for me this whole time?! I hope not...

"Hey there, (Y/N)-kun. I see you're done with work for the day." She said and smiled at me. I am so getting yandere vibes from this girl.

"Yeah, I am, and Marina-san is kind enough to give me a day off tomorrow." I said and let out a big yawn.

"That's good to know. Day offs are important, so make the most of it." She said.

"I will. But anyway, what brings you here at this hour?" I asked.

"I was looking for you, and I was hoping... you and I can walk home together." She said and began to blush a little. Yandere or not, she's my #1 idol, and this could be my chance to get to know her better.

"That works for me, it'll be better than walking home alone at night." I said.

Chisato grew a smile on her face after hearing my answer, then the two of us started to walk away from CiRCLE.

Location - Residential Area

"So, (Y/N)-kun, how are you enjoying work?" Chisato asked as we got into the neighborhood.

"It's alright, I guess. Even though I don't really have any social skills, I do enjoy the work that I do." I said.

"I see. You say you don't have any social skills, but you seem to be talking to me just fine." She pointed out. I guess she does have a point.

"I guess so. But talking to you makes me feel at ease, like I can share anything with you." I said.

Chisato smiled even more.

"I'm happy that you think that, and I might be able to tell you everything when I get to know you better." She said.

"Hehe, I look forward to when that day comes." I said.

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