After the man took out a silver pistol. He points the muzzle of the pistol to her body, scaring the living crap out of her.

Huh? Why a gun? What did I do to piss this guy off?

Scooting further into the bed head Shi Xiaonian stares at the man with wide pleading eyes. The man begins to move the muzzle towards her face, planting the head on her heat-flushed cheek. She had a face that could be said to be fresh and pure. Her features were refined yet not flamboyant. They were not aggressive but rather comfortably beautiful.

The muzzle of his pistol slowly slid pistol slowly slid down towards her lips, then her pointed chin, then finally towards her delicate collarbone.

The cold metal felt comforting in such a hot room. Shi Xiaonian unconsciously braced herself. The white muslin had pretty much fallen off her body. Her sweat-covered body immediately became hot from her fear. 

"Where is the child you carried for me?" he asks with authority. 

Gong Ou stood in front of her. His voice was cold and severe as his gaze floats across her faint curves underneath the white sheet.

"What?" Shi Xiaonian stared blankly at him.

"Three years ago, you carried my child. Where is the child now?" Gong Ou asked, pausing between each word. With a light movement from his long hands, the muzzle of the pistol drew circles over her chest.

"Huh? What child?" 

Shi Xiaonian was at a loss. After a long pause, she slowly calmed down. 

"Ummm... did you make a mistake? I don't know you. I've also never been pregnant," Shi Xiaonian has never been in any sexual relationships, let alone been pregnant.

"You're 24 years old and third-rate young girls manhua artist. Right now you live in S-city. Do you wish for me to recite every school you have attended? Your friends? Family? Maybe if I tell you all their background information? Will you then understand that I am not so incompetent to make such a mistake?"

Gong Ou looked at her sternly as he recited her identity and erased the possibility of a misunderstanding from her lips.

Everything he said... was correct.

How did he know all that?

Shi Xiaonian stared blankly at his overly handsome face. "Sir, I really don't know you."

She didn't even know him! How could I have given birth to his baby?

"Don't pretend with me! Hand over the child you've hidden away!" Gong Ou said impatiently. His thumb lightly turned off the safety on the pistol.

The awareness that it could accidentally go off at any time haunts Shi Xiaonian as the tip was pointing directly towards her frame.

The man's eyes only displayed an abnormal icy cold gaze.

She was so scared that cold sweat flowed continuously from her body. She agitatedly said, "I've really never been pregnant before! Can you please check it again? You can't just ignore my side of the stor-"

A cold laugh erupts through the room.

"Check? Alright, I'll examine you right now!" 

She had naively provoked Gong Ou to his limit. Fuelled by rage, Gong Ou swept his gaze across her body.

The white sheet that covered her body like a dress only revealed one shoulder. However her skin against the sheet was beautifully fair and white like a newborn infant. It seemed as if her skin could be damaged with a light shine from the sun.

Rivulets of sweat ran down across her skin as if she had just risen from water. The scene was captivating.

Gong Ou's throat immediately tightened. A peculiar, dry heat spread throughout his body. 

His gaze moved lower. Under the sheet, Gong Ou noticed a faint discernible dark scar could be seen on her flat belly. 

Gong Ou's mouth moved up, revealing a smirk.

"If you've never given birth, then why do you have that scar on your body?"

Gong Ou asked this in an emphatically tyrannical manner. The calm and unhurried look in his eyes showed his absolute belief that she had given birth before.

Shi Xiaonian suddenly noticed that she was exposing herself in an erotic manner and promptly covered her belly up with her hand. Red-faced, she said.

"This was a scar left behind from an appendicitis operation. What C-section scar would be so far to the side?"

"Then you gave birth naturally! Very well, I will check!"

Gong Ou threw the pistol away. Moving onto the bed pushing his body towards her. Closing her in. Her womanly scent stirred up the fires within his body which were in desperate need for a release

"Okay, get off me so we can go check" Shi Xiaonian was confused. 

Gong Ou had other plans as he positions himself in an erotic manner.

"Hey! Don't come any closer!" She yells, however her voice cracks.

The man in front of her stares down at her, enveloping her in an intense gaze. Like a hunter that has, just caught his prey. His gaze clearly conveyed his desire to rip her apart and swallow her whole.

"Don't come any closer! You creep!" Shi Xiaonian continuously kicks her legs and tries to cover her body with her arms. There was no room to retreat.

He gracefully laid on top of her. One hand pressed down next to her head on the headboard as his large body covered hers.

"Like I said I am going to examine you. I am a man of my word after all." Gong Ou spat out those words. His dark eyes stared straight at her as if she was completely naked in front of him.

"You don't need to be so close to examine me, The hell you shouldn't be even talking to me. I am innocent!" She retorts but her thoughts whirl around her brain.

"This too close? Shi Xiaonian, the past distance between us was much closer! Do you remember how our child was made?"

"What are you babbling on about? I told you! Don't come any...mmm!"

Shi Xiaonian's words were silenced by the man's silky lips. Without being able to utter a word of protest, the man lifted up the white muslin with one large hand, throwing it directly aside. Now that the sheet was removed the contact of skin on skin, made Shi Xiaonian burn from the heat. The temperature in the room rose to even higher.

Her mumbling went unheard as Gong Ou pressed his lips harder onto her soft ones. 

Stop! Please Stop! Someone Help! Plea-


Shi Xiaonian let out a loud shriek and sat up. The room as luxurious as a presidential suite was no longer in front of her eyes but rather her own tiny apartment.

Shi Xioanian stared dazedly in that position for about ten minutes, then it finally began to register that she had been dreaming.

That night was just a dream. 


That chapter ended like most of my english assessments when I was younger ;)

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